
2017-04-05 作者: 316阅读

   去年赴美国留学生将近20万 增加23%

   INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION    Educational Exchange Data from Open Doors 2012    In the 2011/12 academic year, 194,029 students from China were studying in the United States (up 23%from the previous year)。 China remains the leading place of origin for studentscoming to the United States.    Academic Level: While the majority of Chinese students study at thegraduate level, the U.S. continues to experience an upsurge in the number ofundergraduate students coming from China. In 2011/12, their breakdown was asfollows:    38.4%    undergraduate    45.6%    graduatestudents    6.5%     other    9.5%     OPT (Optional Practical Training)    Historicaltrends: Chinasent no students to the U.S. from the 1950s until 1974/75. In the 1980s,numbers of Chinese students grew dramatically, and in 1988/89, China displacedTaiwan as the leading sender remaining the leading place of origin until it wasdisplaced by Japan in 1994/95. In 1998/99, China became the leading senderagain for three years, through 2000/01. In 2001/02, India became the top senderof students to the U.S. and retained that position for eight years, through2008/09. In 2009/10, China again became the top sending country, and retains thatplace for the third year in a row in 2011/12.    Year    # of Students    From China    % Change from Previous Year    # of U.S. Study Abroad Students Going to Chin    2011/12    194,029    23.1%    n/a    2010/11    157,558    23.5%    14,596    2009/10    127,628    29.9%    13,910    2008/09    98,235    21.1%    13,674    2007/08    81,127    19.8%    13,188    2006/07    67,723    8.2%    11,064    2005/06    62,582    0.1%    8,830    2004/05    62,523    1.2%    6,391    2003/04    61,765    -4.6%    4,737    2002/03    64,757    2.4%    2,493    2001/02    63,211    5.5%    3,911    2000/01    59,939    10.0%    2,942    1999/00    54,466    6.8%    2,949    1998/99    51,001    8.6%    2,278    1997/98    46,958    10.5%    2,116    1996/97    42,503    7.3%    1,627    1995/96    39,613    -    1,396    Note:Study abroad figures from Open Doorsrlect credit given by U.S. campuses during the survey year to their studentswho studied abroad in the academic year just completed, including the summerterm. Study abroad in 2010/11 will be reported in Open Doors 2012, once credit is awarded by the home campus. Thesharp decline in study abroad during 2002/03 rlects the closing of mostprograms in China in response to the SARS epidemic. Once programs reopened, thenumbers of American students rebounded.立即咨询
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