Open-Rank Faculty Position - Climate Change and Sustainability
The Department of Environmental Sciences at UCR proposes to recruit a faculty member in the broadly dined area of Climate Change and Sustainability, whose expertise is interdisciplinary and will complement existing strengths on the campus. This is an open rank position and appointment can be made at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level. The appointment will consist of a split 0.5 FTE I&R (Instruction and Research) and 0.5 FTE OR (Organized Research) appointment in the Agricultural Experiment Station ( Position Description: Climate change is the most pressing problem threatening the life-support systems of the earth. During the 21st century, the safe operating limits for climate and other critical global-scale processes are likely to be crossed unless societies embrace sustainable practices for energy generation, food production (land-based agriculture and seafood), management of water resources and conservation of biodiversity. Sustainable development requires a deep understanding of how large-scale changes in the earth system will interlink and impact human society.
We seek to hire a faculty member in Climate Change and Sustainability, working at broad spatial scales, and with expertise in two or more of the following fields of inquiry: atmospheric science, climate modeling, earth system science, oceanography, biogeochemistry, sustainability science and/or ecosystem science. The candidate is expected to use state-of-the art measurements or models as the foundation of his/her research and to work at regional to global scales. Examples of research foci can include, but are not limited to: i) interactions among emissions of greenhouse gases and aerosols (both natural and anthropogenic) and climate, ii) in-situ measurements or remote sensing of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural activities and animal feeding facilities, iii) field-measurements or modeling of aerosols' indirect fects on climate, e.g., cloud formation, cloud lifetime, and precipitation, iv) modeling the feedbacks between natural (biogenic, dust, or wildfire emissions)/anthropogenic emissions and climate, v) development of sustainable energy, agricultural or water infrastructure and vi) research on ocean-atmosphere interactions and feedbacks on global climate. It is desirable that the candidate's research generate results that can be used by policy makers to enhance sustainable development of resources. The incumbent would participate in both the undergraduate and graduate programs in Environmental Sciences and offer courses on climate change and sustainability within their field of expertise.
Application: A Ph.D. in atmospheric sciences, environmental sciences, oceanography, ecosystem science, sustainability science or a related discipline is required. Evaluation of applications will begin on January 11, 2016 , but the position will remain open until filled.
加州大学河滨分校(UC Riverside)是美国十所加州大学系统的其中一所分校,也是所有分校中发展最快的。加州大学河滨分校在全美排名第41位,2015年世界大学综合排名位列全球第127位。
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