
2017-04-05 作者: 200阅读



  I do not think I have the qualification for guidance giving. However, I just want to share a little of my own thoughts with you. Hope it might be something helpful.

  I am glad to know that you are interested in the area of psychology. I am sure that you can try the possibility to switch to clinical psychology. However, bore that I do urge you to look a little deeper in the area and what you want and would like to do, since it is a big decision to make. Once you know for sure it is something you would like to check out, you can make the move with a clear goal and the peace of mind. These might be some of the questions you can ask yourself (Maybe you have already done it and had the answers.): What is clinical psychology? What does it have to offer for you? What attracts you? What will be drawbacks? What are you going to do with those? What do you have to offer for this field? Why do you think it will an area with "goodness of fit" for you? Are there any barriers you need to overcome now or later? Are you willing to meet the challenge, take the risk and make the necessary sacrifices?

  Once you make up your mind, you are ready to go. You can apply for the clinical psychology graduate programs, which is normally the first step to gain qualification to become a clinial psychologist or a therapist. (If you want to be a counselor or a counseling psychology, you can apply for the counseling psychology programs. You can find the difference from the website.) The competition is very intense. It is the MOST popular area in the whole psychology field, at least when application and admission ratio is concerned. You can go to the apa website www.apa.org and find the list of apa-accredited clinial psychology programs. Then you can start your application procedure. It might be very much helpful to take some psychology courses and gain some practical experience, such as volunteering at a mental hospital, or a crisis-intervention hotline, and etc.

  Sorry that I have written so much. Thank you for your patience to read it through. Considering your medical background, have you considered a specialization of psychiatry in medical school as a possibility? My best wishes to you and your career. Welcome you to the board. Hope you can come often.





  I am sorry that I did not get back to you earlier. I have been traveling. Plus, I myself is new to the psychology area and do not know much about it even in the States, regardless Canada. Anyhow, I will just try my best to answer your questions as much as I can.

  Since apa stands for American Psychological Association, I suppose most of the information is focused on the States. However, if you go to the below link and roll to the bottom of the page, you can find the accredited professional psychology programs, some of which are in Canada. Those might be the programs you would like to look into for your application.


  I have tried some searches on google and found a few websites that may have some helpful information.


  A Guide to Psychology and its Practice


  ASPPB Member Boards -- 62 Psychology Licensing Boards in the U.S. and Canada


  If you have time, you can do a little of searching and digging yourself. You can simply enter "clinical psychology" and "Canada" in the keyword box and start from there.

  I have replied to some of your questions in the post. Since it is getting a little long and the topic is related, but a little different, I decided to write them separately. Sorry for the inconvenience if there is any.

  As I said bore, Clinical Psychology belongs to professional psychology and is the MOST competitive program to get into. The admission/application ratio is lower than 1:20. I think if you do not have any psychology background, it might be hard for you to gain your ground, since there are many applicants with solid background in psychology. However, if you can take some psychology courses and gain some practical experience in related area, your medical and sceintific background will be something to help you stand out as your uniqueness. Your cultural background is something that will work for you too.

  Another thing you can do is to take the GRE psychology subject test. With a good score, you can prove your knowledge and apitude in psychology to all. My background is in biology. I think the above was pretty much what I did to prepare for the career switch.

  As for the fellowship in psychology, I think there are fellowships available, but very few. However, there are a lot of TA opportunities in the department of psychology, which will provide a minimum stipend. Of course, it is much lower, probably around half of what you are getting now. (It is my guess.) However, if it IS something you like that much, it is worthwhile to take the risk, work extra and manage to make your ends meet.

  All above is just my personal opinion, for rerence sake only. It is a journey I just traveled. That is why I have some to share. If there is anything I can help anything, please feel free to let me know. It is my

  pleasure to help.

  Best wishes to you in all you do!




  I do not think I have the qualification for guidance giving. However, I just want to share a little of my own thoughts with you. Hope it might be something helpful.

  I am glad to know that you are interested in the area of psychology. I am sure that you can try the possibility to switch to clinical psychology. However, bore that I do urge you to look a little deeper in the area and what you want and would like to do, since it is a big decision to make. Once you know for sure it is something you would like to check out, you can make the move with a clear goal and the peace of mind. These might be some of the questions you can ask yourself (Maybe you have already done it and had the answers.): What is clinical psychology? What does it have to offer for you? What attracts you? What will be drawbacks? What are you going to do with those? What do you have to offer for this field? Why do you think it will an area with "goodness of fit" for you? Are there any barriers you need to overcome now or later? Are you willing to meet the challenge, take the risk and make the necessary sacrifices?

  Once you make up your mind, you are ready to go. You can apply for the clinical psychology graduate programs, which is normally the first step to gain qualification to become a clinial psychologist or a therapist. (If you want to be a counselor or a counseling psychology, you can apply for the counseling psychology programs. You can find the difference from the website.) The competition is very intense. It is the MOST popular area in the whole psychology field, at least when application and admission ratio is concerned. You can go to the apa website www.apa.org and find the list of apa-accredited clinial psychology programs. Then you can start your application procedure. It might be very much helpful to take some psychology courses and gain some practical experience, such as volunteering at a mental hospital, or a crisis-intervention hotline, and etc.

  Sorry that I have written so much. Thank you for your patience to read it through. Considering your medical background, have you considered a specialization of psychiatry in medical school as a possibility? My best wishes to you and your career. Welcome you to the board. Hope you can come often.





  I am sorry that I did not get back to you earlier. I have been traveling. Plus, I myself is new to the psychology area and do not know much about it even in the States, regardless Canada. Anyhow, I will just try my best to answer your questions as much as I can.

  Since apa stands for American Psychological Association, I suppose most of the information is focused on the States. However, if you go to the below link and roll to the bottom of the page, you can find the accredited professional psychology programs, some of which are in Canada. Those might be the programs you would like to look into for your application.


  I have tried some searches on google and found a few websites that may have some helpful information.





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