澳洲营养师协会(Dietitians Association of Australia,简称DAA)是国家专业机构,成立于1976年。除了培养大批的营养师人才外,还对以营养师为提名的移民申请人士提供评估。营养师协会的会员主要分为两种,一种是具有专业认证资格证书的会员,另一种是没有专业认证资格证书的会员。要成为专业资格认证的会员,就必须具备以下条件之一:
- 本科学位是理学学士(Bachelor of Science),而硕士学位是被DAA 认证的。
- 或者本科学位直接是被DAA认证的;或者通过DAA监管的专业考试。
- 正在学习DDA认可的课程,或者成功地通过了DDA监管的专业考试。
准会员(Associate Membership)有两个类别:
Associate Full
Asoociate Student
昆士兰大学:Master of Dietetics Studies 1.5年学制
UQ's Master of Dietetics Studies prepares students for eligibility as an accredited practicing dietitian (APD) with the Dietitians Association of Australia.
格里菲斯大学:Master of public health 1.5年学制
This program helps you to develop and further your career in public health practice, research and/or management. It allows you to re-orientate your work interests in health to disease prevention and health promotion and is widely recognised both nationally and internationally as the public health credential for careers in public health. These programs focus on the socio-ecological model of public health that emphasises and analyses the important interactions between the social, biological, economic and environmental determinants of health. They enable you to apply this analytical skill set to plan, implement and evaluate population based interventions that protect and promote health. The program has a strong focus on international health and provides you with the opportunity to focus your public health studies by selecting a range of electives in areas such as public health nutrition, health promotion, climate change, international health, environmental health, and health services management.
南威尔士大学:master of Food Science & Tech 2年学制
The Master of Science program is designed for food scientists and graduates wishing to develop and expand their knowledge and skills in their current area of expertise.* This will enable students to meet or maintain professional accreditation standards and to provide opportunities for continuing professional development, as well as the opportunity to interact with those at the cutting edge of their discipline. Students will develop their technical knowledge and ability to analyse food science problems. They will also gain further skills in solving food science problems and justifying professional decisions.
悉尼大学:master of nutrition and dietetics 2年学制
The Master of Nutrition and Dietetics provides professional education for dietitians and nutritionists. It builds on major concepts from the study of human biochemistry and physiology to discuss the roles of all nutrients, nutritional contents of food and diet in health and disease. The program includes all the units of study to ensure you reach dietetics competence including public health, medical nutrition therapy, food service management, communication, management, and research and evaluation.
The course is accredited by the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).
卧龙岗大学:Master of nutrition and dietetics 2年学制
The primary aim of the Master of Nutrition & Dietetics is to prepare graduates to be professional dietitian-nutritionists, eligible for membership to the Dietitians' Association of Australia. The course is designed to meet the core fields of competency as dined by the profession, including the key areas of practice of clinical dietetics, community and public health nutrition and food service systems management.
堪培拉大学:Master of nutrition 2年学制
The Master of Nutrition provides students with an advanced program in nutrition. The range of nutrition and food-related units from graduate level nutrition units to advanced specialist units and research opportunities provides for a diversity of graduates from biomedical and nutrition sciences to develop a program of study tailored to their professional development needs.
墨尔本大学:master of Food Science 2年学制
Develop in-depth knowledge and critical understanding of how agricultural produce is delivered as safe, nutritious and palatable food into local and global markets, at all stages of the supply chain, via the Master of Food Science.
Explore food manufacturing industry influencers such as regulatory frameworks, international trade and the influence of biotechnological methods in food production, via this flexible, advanced-level course.
莫纳什大学:Master of Dietetics 2年学制
This postgraduate course aims to prepare graduates with the professional and personal qualities required for future dietetic practice in a variety of workplace settings. The course integrates academic teaching and learning with clinical, population health, food service, research and management experience and is undertaken in both academic and professional practice placement settings (e.g., clinical, food service, community nutrition and public health nutrition).
迪肯大学:Master of Dietetics 1.5年学制
Deakin was the first university to offer a course in dietetics in Australia and has been proudly offering Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) accredited courses for more than 35 years.
Deakin’s Master of Dietetics is a postgraduate-level, three-trimester professional training program that builds on your undergraduate knowledge in nutrition, physiology and biochemistry, to develop skills and competencies in dietary management in both health and disease.
南澳大学:Master of Dietetics 2年学制
Dietitians prevent and treat food, nutrient and diet related health problems by applying the science of human nutrition to promote healthy eating habits, recommend dietary modifications, and help people understand food and health relationships. This program is currently provisionally accredited by the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA). A graduate of this program is eligible to become a DAA member with dietetic qualifications, and to join the Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) program。
弗林德斯大学:Master of Nutrition and Dietetics 2年学制
The Master of Nutrition and Dietetics offers advanced studies in nutritional science and food science, pathophysiology of nutrition-related illnesses, health promotion, communication skills, and clinical/public health nutrition skills.Graduates are suitable for careers in hospitals, community health centres, private practice and consultancy, the food industry and research establishments.
科廷大学:Master of Dietetics 2年学制
In the Master of Dietetics, you will study a range of specialised topics in nutrition, conselling and food service, and undertake placement units in hospital, community and food service settings. You will also complete a research project in an area relevant to dietetics.
This course is designed to meet the accrediation standards of the Dietitians' Association of Australia (DAA). Accreditation will be sought once the course commences.
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