2017-08-18 736阅读
2017澳洲留学 西悉尼大学的学费介绍,小编为大家整理了关于2017澳洲留学 西悉尼大学的学费介绍的介绍,下面跟着澳际留学网一起来了解一下2017澳洲留学 西悉尼大学的学费介绍,欢迎大家阅读。
随着这两年澳币升值,大学的学费也在不断的改变,除了学费一直不低的八大名校,其它在2011年也有了新的学费标准,下面是 ()为学生们介绍的2011年学费信息:
(1)英文全称:University of Western Sydney
(3)学校理念:Bringing knowledge to life
(1)College of Arts 人文学院
下设School of Communication Arts, School of Education, School of Humanities and
Languages, School of Psychology, School of Social Sciences
(2)College of Business 商学院
下设School of Accounting, School of Economics and Finance, School of Law, School of
Management, School of Marketing, Sydney Graduate School of Management
(3)College of Health and Science 健康和科学学院
下设School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, School of Computing and Mathematics,
School of Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Natural Sciences, School of Nursing
and Midwifery
(1)College of Arts 人文学院
下设School of Communication Arts, School of Education, School of Humanities and
Languages, School of Psychology, School of Social Sciences
(2)College of Business 商学院
下设School of Accounting, School of Economics and Finance, School of Law, School of
Management, School of Marketing, Sydney Graduate School of Management
(3)College of Health and Science 健康和科学学院
下设School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, School of Computing and Mathematics,
School of Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Natural Sciences, School of Nursing
and Midwifery
以上就是关于2017澳洲留学 西悉尼大学的学费介绍的介绍,希望大家能有所了解。如果大家还想了解更多留学资讯,欢迎关注澳际留学网,更多精彩敬请期待。
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