
2017-08-14 作者: 221阅读

  A relationship consultant, as fancy as the title may sound, is actually one of the most negative and stressful jobs.


  One of my male friends recently started working as a relationship coach. His clients are mainly well-educated women aged over 27, also known in China as "ltover women." They see him to learn how to overcome their emotional blocks and how to be a total "man magnet."


  "It is actually a very demanding and stressful job," my friend confessed. His clients call or text him 24/7, telling him stories of how they’ve been rejected and feel like a loser.


  Unlike many professional relationship consultants in the West, who have a minimum of a master’s degree in mental health or psychology, my friend has no professional certificates. He is what we call a very good listener. But isn’t that what all women want? To be listened to and understood.


  Even though he is not a professional, the market for relationship consultants for single women is huge in China, as many "ltover women" are under tremendous pressure to get married.


  In the name of research, I attended some training classes that promised to help women date a millionaire. The first thing the teacher taught us was how to spot a millionaire. It makes sense, right? Then we were taught how to attract rich men and how to be an elegant yet provocative lady. I gave up after a week.


  The next day, the coach called.


  "Your attitude is wrong," she said. "You should be more provocative. Come and sign up for the second class."


  I hung up on her.


  Of course, not everyone can be a relationship consultant. What makes my friend different is, instead of teaching women how to find love, he teaches them how to love themselves.


  "Learn to love yourself first," he said. "Be yourself. Be confident. That’s the man magnet."


  A 39-year-old client of his was too shy, so he gave her an assignment to practice talking to strangers on the bus, in a market or a coffee shop.


  Honestly, "ltover women" are lovable. They are well-educated. They can keep an intellectual conversation going. They are also incredibly interesting, as a lot of them have traveled to many exotic places and have friends from all over the world. They are strong and independent, and they don’t crave attention and compliments. But many of them suffer from insecurity and self-doubt because people around them keep telling them they are not desirable.


  What these women need to learn is not how to pretend to be someone they are not, but how to be themselves. They need someone to tell them it is totally OK if they don’t have a hot body and a beautiful face, just let their awesome personality shine through. They also need someone to tell them to stop wearing 365 layers of makeup. They should work on their confidence and catch a guy with their natural charm.


  Maybe we should send men to some classes to teach them how to respect and appreciate "ltover women."



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