【双语阅读】英国人爱上蘑菇 一年吃掉12万吨.

2017-08-14 作者: 475阅读



  Sales of mushrooms have hit an all-time high as Britons increasingly turn to the cheap and versatile foodstuff for their cooking.

  Shoppers spent over ?365 million on mushrooms over the last year, equivalent to ?14 per household, making them the nation’s third most popular item in supermarkets&apos vegetable aisle after potatoes and tomatoes.

  Around 118,000 tons of mushrooms were sold in the past 12 months and supermarkets are bolstering supplies to cope with the extra demand. Although button and closed cup mushrooms dominate the market, strong growth was seen by brown and chestnut mushrooms. Mushrooms are now more popular than carrots, onions, broccoli and peppers, according to Kantar Worldpanel.

  Researchers said that shoppers are turning to mushrooms as they add depth and flavour to dishes and have health benits.

  Dr Christian Jessen, the nutrition expert and TV presenter, said: “Mushrooms are an excellent source of B vitamins which are needed for a healthy diet. They are especially good for anyone trying to lose weight given they are exceptionally low in calories and fat.”

  The research also found that Britons are getting lazy. Sales of pre-sliced mushroom have grown by a quarter over the last year.








【双语阅读】英国人爱上蘑菇 一年吃掉12万吨 中文翻译



  Sales of mushrooms have hit an all-time high as Britons increasingly turn to the cheap and versatile foodstuff for their cooking.

  Shoppers spent over ?365 million on mushrooms over the last year, equivalent to ?14 per household, making them the nation’s third most popular item in supermarkets&apos vegetable aisle after potatoes and tomatoes.

  Around 118,000 tons of mushrooms were sold in the past 12 months and supermarkets are bolstering supplies to cope with the extra demand. Although button and closed cup mushrooms dominate the market, strong growth was seen by brown and chestnut mushrooms. Mushrooms are now more popular than carrots, onions, broccoli and peppers, according to Kantar Worldpanel.

  Researchers said that shoppers are turning to mushrooms as they add depth and flavour to dishes and have health benits.

  Dr Christian Jessen, the nutrition expert and TV presenter, said: “Mushrooms are an excellent source of B vitamins which are needed for a healthy diet. They are especially good for anyone trying to lose weight given they are exceptionally low in calories and fat.”

  The research also found that Britons are getting lazy. Sales of pre-sliced mushroom have grown by a quarter over the last year.





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