【双语阅读】BBC 11月9日新闻简讯.

2017-08-14 作者: 247阅读



  An Italian court has convicted the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of tax evasion and sentenced him to prison. The conviction centered on deals by Mr. Berlusconi’s media corporation to buy American TV shows through illegal slush funds. From Rome, Alan Johnston. Mr Berlusconi said that he had again been hounded by political enemies in the judiciary. He will appeal and the case may well drag on so long that it will ran out of time and expire. But even by the standards of Mr. Berlusconi’s extraordinarily colorful story, the outcome of this case has been a striking development. This time last year he was running this country from the prime minister’s office. And now a judge has ruled that he should actually be behind bars.

  Prosecutors in China have formally opened a criminal investigation into the disgraced politician Bo Xilai. Earlier in the day, he was expelled from the National People’s Congress. Ben Campbell reports. Bo Xilai was a high-flyer in the Communist Party. He was in charge of the southern city of Chongqing, but his career came crashing down following the murder of a British businessman Neil Heywood. Mr. Bo’s wife Gu Kailai and his former police chi have been jailed over the killing. Mr. Bo was expelled from the Communist Party last month. Earlier on Friday, he was thrown out of China’s top lawmaking body and lost his immunity from prosecution. The charges he may face have not been specified. The decision to investigate comes two weeks bore the Party congress to select China’s new leaders.

  There have been multiple violations of a temporary ceasire in Syria between the government and rebel groups. In Damascus, a car-bomb killed at least five people and wounded more than 30 others. Activists’ sources say more than 40 people have been killed. Both sides have blamed each other. But government forces appeared not to have carried out air attacks, which have been increasingly become a key tactic.

  The American economy picked up in the third quarter of the year, the new data showing growth at an annual rate of 2% in the three months to September. The figure (is) slightly better than forecast. It’s the last to be released bore the US presidential election where the economy is the key factor. Paul Adams reports from Washington. On the face of it, the latest report represents a modest bit of good news for President Barack Obama. Coming on top of a recent drop in the unemployment rate, the figures for consumers spending and home-building are positive, but the report does nothing to alter a well-established impression over a painfully slow recovery. The two main presidential campaigns will do what they can with the numbers, but the figures are unlikely to shift public opinion one way or the other so close to election day. Most people have reached their own conclusions about the state of the economy based on personal experience. They don’t need the commerce department to tell them what to think. Paul Adams. World News from the BBC.

  The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 200 people have been illegally detained and tortured this year in Ivory Coast. Amnesty says its staff has spoken to dozens who say they have been subjected to electric shocks or sexual abuse after being seized by the security forces. It expressed concern that the detention amounted to reprisals for attacks played on supporters of the former President Laurent Gbagbo.

  One of Cuba’s best-known dissident Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo has died in Havana aged 77. He was an ally of Fidel Castro during the 1959 Cuban revolution, but later led a failed armed uprising against him. Will Grant reports. Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo was one of the few men who actively fought on both sides of the Cuban revolution. Born in Madrid, he was the son of a republican fighter against General Franco in the Spanish civil war. His family moved to Cuba in the 40s and he eventually took up arms with Fidel Castro. However, after the revolution took power and became openly Marxist, Leninist in character, Gutierrez-Menoyo began to lose faith with its leadership. He fled to Miami in 1961 and helped set up an arm unit called Alpha 66 intended to remove Castro from power. They returned to Cuba with that aim in 1964, but were caught within a month.

  Hurricane Sandy has now known to have killed more than 30 people as it passed through the Caribbean bore heading towards the United States. It caused widespread damage in the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica.

  Cycling&aposs world governing body, the UCI, has announced there will be no winner of the Tour de France for the seven years. The victory was awarded to the disgraced American cyclist Lance Armstrong. He was stripped of his victories after the US anti-doping agency produced a dossier accused him of extensive doping.


  意大利法院判定前总理西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼逃税并判以徒刑。定罪的核心问题是贝卢斯科尼的媒体公司用非法行贿基金购买美国电视秀。艾伦•约翰斯顿在罗马报道。贝卢斯科尼称自己再次被司法界的政敌烦扰, 他将进行上诉,这起案件可能会拖到失去法律时效的时候。 尽管贝卢斯科尼的故事丰富多彩,但这个案件的结果也是很引人注目的。 去年这个时候他正在总理办公室管理这个国家, 而现在法官判定他可能要坐牢。

  中国检察官正式开始对遭废黜的政客B进行刑事调查。 当天一早,他就被驱逐出全国人大。 Ben Campbell报道。 B曾是党内极有野心的人, 他主管南部城市重庆,但他的官场生涯随着英国商人海伍德谋杀案结束。 他的妻子G和前警局局长因谋杀案被捕。 B上月就被驱逐出党, 周五一早,他就被驱逐该国最高立法机构,失去检控豁免权。 他可能面临的指控尚不清楚, 就在做出调查决定的两周后,党代会将选举新的领导人。

  叙利亚政府军和叛军组织就暂时停火协议发生了多重违反行为。 在大马士革,一辆载有炸弹的汽车杀死了至少5人,伤及另外30多人。 来自活动人士的消息称有40多人死亡, 双方相互指责。 但政府军显然没有实施空袭,而空袭是最近越来越多被采用的关键策略。

  美国经济第三季度开始好转,新数据显示截止9月份的三个月的年增长率为2%, 这比此前预测的要好。 这是美国总统选举之前最新公布的数据,经济问题是大选的关键因素。 保罗•亚当斯在华盛顿报道。 从字面上看,对总统巴拉克•奥巴马来说,最新的报告还算是好消息。 除了最近失业率有所下降外,消费者开支和房屋建设的数字都不错, 但报告无法改变人们对艰难缓慢复苏的固有印象。 两大选举阵营都想尽办法用这个数字来大做文章,但由于距离选举日这么近,这些数字不大可能改变公众对一方或另一方的印象。 大多数人都凭自身经验对国家经济下了断言, 他们不需要商业部门来告诉自己如何去思考。 保罗•亚当斯报道。 BBC世界新闻。

  人权组织大赦国际组织称今年有200多人在科特迪瓦被非法拘留。 该组织称其工作人员已与数十名据说遭受电击或性虐待的人交谈过,他们是被安全部队抓获的。 大赦组织称这些人对前总统洛朗•巴博的支持者实施的袭击行为发起的报复。

  古巴最知名的异见人士梅诺约在哈瓦那去世,终年77岁。 他是1959年古巴革命期间菲德尔•卡斯特罗的盟友,但后来武装起义反对他,但未能成功。 Will Grant报道。 梅诺约是少数几个在古巴革命中与两派都战斗过的人。 他出生在马德里,是西班牙内战期间反对佛朗哥将军的共和党斗士之子。 40年代他家搬到古巴,他最后与菲德尔•卡斯特罗并肩作战。 然而,随着革命夺取政权后并公开成为马列主义者后,梅诺约开始对卡斯特罗的领导失去信念。 1961年他逃到迈阿密,帮助成立了一支意在推翻卡斯特罗的武装部队,名为阿尔法66。 他们怀着这个目标于1964年回到古巴,但不到一个月就被捕了。

  据悉桑迪飓风现已夺走30多人的生命,袭击了整个加勒比海,然后直达美国。 巴哈马群岛、古巴、海地和牙买加都遭到大范围破坏。

  自行车世界官方组织国际自行车联盟7年内将不再有环法冠军。 冠军头衔曾被授予名誉丧尽的美国选手兰斯•阿姆斯特朗, 美国反兴奋剂组织起诉他大量服用兴奋剂后,他就被剥夺了冠军头衔。

【双语阅读】BBC 11月9日新闻简讯 BBC新闻:中文翻译部分



  An Italian court has convicted the former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of tax evasion and sentenced him to prison. The conviction centered on deals by Mr. Berlusconi’s media corporation to buy American TV shows through illegal slush funds. From Rome, Alan Johnston. Mr Berlusconi said that he had again been hounded by political enemies in the judiciary. He will appeal and the case may well drag on so long that it will ran out of time and expire. But even by the standards of Mr. Berlusconi’s extraordinarily colorful story, the outcome of this case has been a striking development. This time last year he was running this country from the prime minister’s office. And now a judge has ruled that he should actually be behind bars.

  Prosecutors in China have formally opened a criminal investigation into the disgraced politician Bo Xilai. Earlier in the day, he was expelled from the National People’s Congress. Ben Campbell reports. Bo Xilai was a high-flyer in the Communist Party. He was in charge of the southern city of Chongqing, but his career came crashing down following the murder of a British businessman Neil Heywood. Mr. Bo’s wife Gu Kailai and his former police chi have been jailed over the killing. Mr. Bo was expelled from the Communist Party last month. Earlier on Friday, he was thrown out of China’s top lawmaking body and lost his immunity from prosecution. The charges he may face have not been specified. The decision to investigate comes two weeks bore the Party congress to select China’s new leaders.

  There have been multiple violations of a temporary ceasire in Syria between the government and rebel groups. In Damascus, a car-bomb killed at least five people and wounded more than 30 others. Activists’ sources say more than 40 people have been killed. Both sides have blamed each other. But government forces appeared not to have carried out air attacks, which have been increasingly become a key tactic.

  The American economy picked up in the third quarter of the year, the new data showing growth at an annual rate of 2% in the three months to September. The figure (is) slightly better than forecast. It’s the last to be released bore the US presidential election where the economy is the key factor. Paul Adams reports from Washington. On the face of it, the latest report represents a modest bit of good news for President Barack Obama. Coming on top of a recent drop in the unemployment rate, the figures for consumers spending and home-building are positive, but the report does nothing to alter a well-established impression over a painfully slow recovery. The two main presidential campaigns will do what they can with the numbers, but the figures are unlikely to shift public opinion one way or the other so close to election day. Most people have reached their own conclusions about the state of the economy based on personal experience. They don’t need the commerce department to tell them what to think. Paul Adams. World News from the BBC.

  The human rights group Amnesty International says more than 200 people have been illegally detained and tortured this year in Ivory Coast. Amnesty says its staff has spoken to dozens who say they have been subjected to electric shocks or sexual abuse after being seized by the security forces. It expressed concern that the detention amounted to reprisals for attacks played on supporters of the former President Laurent Gbagbo.

  One of Cuba’s best-known dissident Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo has died in Havana aged 77. He was an ally of Fidel Castro during the 1959 Cuban revolution, but later led a failed armed uprising against him. Will Grant reports. Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo was one of the few men who actively fought on both sides of the Cuban revolution. Born in Madrid, he was the son of a republican fighter against General Franco in the Spanish civil war. His family moved to Cuba in the 40s and he eventually took up arms with Fidel Castro. However, after the revolution took power and became openly Marxist, Leninist in character, Gutierrez-Menoyo began to lose faith with its leadership. He fled to Miami in 1961 and helped set up an arm unit called Alpha 66 intended to remove Castro from power. They returned to Cuba with that aim in 1964, but were caught within a month.

  Hurricane Sandy has now known to have killed more than 30 people as it passed through the Caribbean bore heading towards the United States. It caused widespread damage in the Bahamas, Cuba, Haiti and Jamaica.

  Cycling&aposs world governing body, the UCI, has announced there will be no winner of the Tour de France for the seven years. The victory was awarded to the disgraced American cyclist Lance Armstrong. He was stripped of his victories after the US anti-doping agency produced a dossier accused him of extensive doping.



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