
2017-08-14 作者: 231阅读

  For many people the idea of living under a rock might seem like the punchline of a joke. But for one Mexican couple, a hut wedged below a 130-foot boulder in Coahulla, Mexico has been home for the past 30 years. 对许多人而言,在岩石底下居住这一想法听起来像是笑话。不过,对于一对墨西哥夫妇来讲,过去三十年,嵌在墨西哥Coahulla州的一块高达130英尺的巨石下的一个棚屋便是他们的家。

  A reporter recently visited the couple, Benito Hernandez and Santa Martha de la Cruz Villarreal, in their primitive desert home 50 miles south of Texas. Hernandez is a farmer who plants and collects the Candelilla plant used in making Candelilla wax. 一名记者近期拜访了贝尼多-赫纳德兹与桑塔·玛莎-德拉克鲁兹·维拉里尔这对夫妇,他们的家位于德克萨斯州以南50英里的原始沙漠。赫纳德兹是一名农夫,靠种植和收集蜡大戟为生,这种沙漠植物可以用来提取小烛树蜡。

  He first saw this boulder 55 years ago, when he was eight, and decided to make it a home one day. Twenty years later he was able to secure rights to the land. 55年前,赫纳德兹第一次见到这块巨石,那时他才8岁。当时他就下定决心有朝一日在那里安家。20年后,这里终于成为他的家园。

  "I started coming here when I was eight-years-old to visit the Candelilla (harvesting) fields and I liked it here. I liked it and then I continued visiting every three to four months. I wasn&apost married and I didn&apost have a family yet but I liked it and I had to keep coming to put my foot in (on the property) because lands here are won through claiming them," Hernandez told the International Business Times. “我在8岁时来到这里,到Candelilla(意为“丰收”)田地参观时就喜欢上了这里。因为喜欢,每隔三四个月我都会来看看。我那时还没结婚,也没自己的家庭,不过我就是喜欢这里,总要到这里走走,因为只要你要求得到这片土地,那它就属于你了”,赫纳德兹在接受《国际财经时报》采访时说道。

  The home, made of sun-dried bricks and cement, has a dirt floor, a wood stove, and no plumbing. Electrical service is said to be unreliable. A nearby stream supplies fresh drinking water. In winter, though, the water source freezes over. 这个房子由晒干的砖块和水泥砌成,有泥土地面,配有柴炉,没有水管。据说屋里的电器装置不大好用。附近的一条小溪供应新鲜的饮用水。不过到了冬天,水源就会冻结。

  "It gets very cold here and we struggle to get food. We have to work hard here on the Candelilla (fields). That&aposs the only job we have. That&aposs what we live from," said Hernandez. 赫纳德兹说,“冬天这里很冷,找食物不容易。我们必须在Candelilla田地上勤恳劳作,因为这是我们唯一的工作,是我们的生计所在”。

  The couple have seven children, six of whom are married and live nearby. 这对夫妇共抚养了7个孩子,其中6个都已成婚,住在不远处。


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