
2017-08-14 作者: 443阅读



  Mother&aposs Day don&aposts: dish gloves, Cougar shirts

  What were they thinking? Through plastic smiles or gritted teeth, moms have to suck it up sometimes when Mother&aposs Day means a gifted toilet, unsolicited wash tub or anti-aging cream.

  It wouldn&apost be Mother&aposs Day if some mom somewhere wasn&apost disappointed or downright piqued at gift time. Many aren&apost looking to break the bank, though the National Retail Federation expects Americans to spend $19 billion on the holiday this year. But unrequested sex toys? A chainsaw?

  Dave Hochman learned the hard way last year when he presented his five-years-older wife with a "Cougar" T-shirt, a freebie from a client, no less.

  "While she does have a great sense of humor, let&aposs just say it wasn&apost the best idea I&aposve ever had," said Hochman, in Monmouth, N.J.

  Glenna Tooman&aposs uh-oh moment was when her now-grown son, Bill, was 10 or 11. He disappeared on his bike in Boise, Idaho, only to return with a Mother&aposs Day gift that kept on giving, a tiny bunny.

  "I was very surprised. It&aposs the last thing you&aposd expect for Mother&aposs Day," she said. "He spent his allowance money on it. We named him Garfunkel. We had him for years."


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