
2017-08-14 作者: 986阅读

  你知道吗?英国的四个地区英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士以及北爱尔兰都有各自的旗帜。现在广泛使用的英国国旗又称作“the Union Jack”或者“the Union Flag”,由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成。


  按照顺序,首先是苏格兰旗(St Andrews’s Cross)和英格兰的旗(St George’s Cross)组合在一起,然后爱尔兰王国的旗帜(St Patrick’s Cross)也被叠加了上来,最后形成的了现在的样子。

  Saint Andrew&aposs(圣安德鲁)Cross是苏格兰的国旗,象征着苏格兰国民的忠诚。圣安德鲁是苏格兰的守护者,传说他就是被钉在X型的十字架上,所以知道为什么旗子上是个白色X型的十字啦!

  The Union Flag has been used in a variety of forms since the proclamation by Orders in Council (枢密令) 1606, when the Flag of Scotland and the Flag of England were first merged to symbolize the Union of the Crowns. (The Union of the Crowns having occurred in 1603).

  In Scotland, and in particular on Scottish vessels at sea, historical evidence suggests that a separate design of Union Flag was flown to that used in England. However, following the Acts of Union 《合并法令》of 1707, which united the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England to become the Kingdom of Great Britain , the &aposEnglish&apos version of the Union Flag was adopted as the official Flag of Great Britain.

  From 1801, in order to symbolise the union of the Kingdom of Great Britain with the Kingdom of Ireland, a new design which included the St Patrick&aposs Cross was adopted for the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Flag of the United Kingdom, having remained unchanged following the partition of Ireland in 1921 and creation of the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland, continues to be used as the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.





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