
2017-08-14 作者: 81阅读


  Twitter is now the most common way to secure a new partner and the ‘three day rule’ for calling a date back has been abandoned for a few hours.


  A study found modern technology is speeding things up for couples who now rely on social media and texting to secure a relationship, rather than old fashioned methods of their parents&apos generation which took twice as long.


  Couples aged 55 and over said on average their courting process took more than two and a half months (78 days) whereas for those under the age of 25 it takes just under one month (24 days) for them to rer to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend, according to the study by PIXmania.


  Instead of obeying the ‘three day rule’ to contact a date, the research revealed 68 per cent of people said they were now happy to communicate with their new love interest within four hours of a first date.


  It also found it now takes couples an average of 224 tweets, 163 text messages, 70 Facebook messages, 37 emails and 30 phone calls to fall head over heels in love.


  Ghadi Hobeika, marketing director of PIXmania.com, said: "With the nation obsessed with constantly communicating with one another, modern technology is putting the speed into speed dating and encouraging more contact between budding lovers.

  PIXmania网站的市场总监Ghadi Hobeika 表示:“我们国家(指英国)的国民间联系频繁,现代科技已经加速了约会流程,鼓励刚刚发展的恋人们多联系。

  "The days of penning a simple love letter to woo your new beau are over.”


  Men are more prolific on social networks, sending an average of 517 Facebook messages and tweets a year in an attempt to woo potential lovers compared to just 386 for women, according to the research.


  Less than one in ten of the nation&aposs couples still write old-fashioned love letters to each other.


  But it is not all good news, as technology was also found to play a role in the breakup of 21st century relationships.


  Around 36 per cent of people break off a relationship with a call, while 27 per cent of those questioned admitted ending a relationship by text and one in eight (13 per cent) revealed they had called things off using social media.



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