
2017-08-14 作者: 515阅读


  Edward Snowden reportedly took a job at a Russian website

  The Associated Press is reporting former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden has accepted a job doing technical support for a "major" Russian Web site. According to the AP, one of Snowden&aposs lawyers says the NSA leaker will start his new gig Friday, but won&apost reveal which company he&aposll be working for.

  After stealing his former employer&aposs secrets and giving many of them away, Snowden&aposs track record might not endear him to very many who work in human resources. But Snowden has had to fend off "a lot" of job offers since he fled the United States this summer, including one from Russia&aposs version of Facebook, VKontakte.

  To future employers, what Snowden did when he lt the NSA may be less valuable than his attitude — self-confident, independent, opinionated.

  "The act that made him famous was singular," David Auerbach, a former Google and Microsoft engineer, wrote in Slate in June. "Snowden himself is not."

  Besides, despite his sometimes abrasive exterior, Snowden is still the same, highly skilled technician he was bore he became a leaker. So long as those skills remain sharp, Snowden will probably keep thriving.

  In technology, as with many industries, where you&aposve been is interesting. What you&aposre capable of is more important.








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