2017-08-14 256阅读
Graduates in Great Britain: A Boomerang Generation 英国毕业生:“回巢族”的困惑 A poll reveals that of this year’s crop of graduates, 27% will be heading home to live with parents. The comments on the “boomerang generation”, along with explanations that young people prer free catering and laundry in the parental home to the challenge of independence. But most parents are worried — for their own offspring and for this generation as a whole. Among the boomerang generation, some have applied, unsuccessfully, for hundreds of jobs, some have piecemeal(零碎的)or part-time work, several are taking MAs(硕士学位)“to boost their chances” and a large number have “internships”, as employers now call unpaid labour. Only a few have found jobs appropriate to their qualifications. Ask the so-called boomerang generation and they’ll tell you they are desperate for independence. Some, unable to find employment, are depressed. What must it feel like to apply for so many jobs, to face repeated rejection, to wonder if you can ever join the adult world? How can these individuals have the key experiences of growing up? Because having a job is not just about having money, it’s about developing a sense of your competence, about self-worth, about learning to work with colleagues, and the complexities of contemporary society. Without that chance to grow, the boomerang generation’s life will be actively damaged. Tip:一项调查显示,在今年的英国毕业大军中,约27%的毕业生将会回到家中与父母同住。相比面对独立生活的挑战,这群如今被称为“回巢族”的毕业生更喜欢父母提供的免费食宿。 但大多数父母都会为自己的子女以及这一代人担忧。“回巢族”中的一些人申请了无数份工作,但都没有什么结果;一些人只能选择打零工或做兼职;一些人选择上研究生课程,“期望增加自己的就业机会”;还有很多人只能做实习生——也就是被雇主称为“免费劳动力”的职位。只有少数人找到合适的工作。 其实,“回巢族”也渴望独立,只是一些人在找不到工作后便意志消沉。试想一下,如果在找工作过程中接连碰壁,并怀疑你能否融入成年人的世界时,你会作何感想?在这种状况下,年轻人如何才能获得成长?因为工作并不只是为了挣钱,而是为了提升你的能力,实现个人价值,学会与同事相处,以及了解社会的复杂性。没有这样的成长机会,“回巢族”的人生无疑会遭到破坏。 Graduates in America Face Struggle 美国毕业生就业难 Three broad issues will make it tougher for today’s American graduates to launch their careers and succeed over the long run. First, the job market is still far from booming: March and April’s disappointing job numbers — employers added only 154,000 and 115,000 jobs, respectively, compared with an average gain of about 250,000 in the previous three months — suggest the recovery remains fragile. Second, the class of 2013 faces tougher competition thanks to “the recession hangover”. Young adults who graduated into the dire labor market of 2011 and 2012 and have been out of work are applying for the same jobs as new grads are. The same goes for earlier grads who were laid off during the recession. Those job candidates, many of whom likely have more experience than new grads, may have an edge. Last, a debt burden looms. Tuition isn&apost getting any cheaper, so loan figures are expected to be even higher for the current crop of graduates. That means a greater share of any starting salaries they receive would go to repaying lenders, rather than to rent, furnishings or a down-payment fund for a house, delaying financial independence for many young adults. Even when new graduates do find jobs, their starting salaries tend to be lower than those for their counterparts who graduated a decade earlier, adjusted for inflation. With a lower base pay, they may never catch up. Tip:美国毕业生也面临着“就业难”的问题。 首先,就业市场还远算不上繁荣。3月和4月的就业数据令人失望,分别只增加了15.4万个和11.5万个工作岗位,而之前三个月平均每月约增加25万个就业机会——这表明经济复苏依然疲软。 其次,由于“经济衰退后遗症”的存在,2013年的毕业生面临着更严峻的竞争。受前几年糟糕就业形势影响,而一直没有找到工作的往届毕业生们,也会在今年与应届毕业生们同时竞争工作岗位。这部分求职者经验丰富,他们比应届毕业生更有优势。 最后,美国毕业生面临着沉重的债务负担。学费年年上涨,这批毕业生的贷款额度也越来越高。这就意味着他们工作之初的微薄薪水,不得不拿出一大部分用来还贷款,而不是用来租房子、买家具,或支付房子的首付款,这也无形中推迟了他们财政独立的时间。 由于通货膨胀,即使这些毕业生们找到了工作,他们的起薪也比那些10年前的毕业生要低得多。由于基本工资更低,他们也许永远也赶不上以前毕业生的水平。 法国毕业生:记者最热门 失业率居高不下并不影响大学生怀有自己的梦想。法国全国教育及职业情报局(Onisep)对1000名大学生进行了调查,主题为“什么是你毕业后的理想职业”。答案五花八门,但有一些职业被提及得最多。其中接受采访的女生的十大理想职业分别为:教师,记者,演员,律师,医生,教育家,保育员,理发师,秘书,歌星;男生的十大理想职业分别为:工程师,飞机驾驶员,商人,信息工程师,教师,演员,足球运动员,机械师,消防员,记者。 不论是社会调查还是在网上论坛,法国青少年只要谈到“理想职业”,就一定少不了“记者”这一项。随着电子传媒逐渐普及,电视新闻播报员、体育节目评论员或者重大事件的新闻主持人所散发出来的强大“魅力”让法国青年为之倾倒。 日本毕业生:大公司是首选 近几年的调查结果表明,大公司一直日本大学生的首选,排在前50位的就职热门基本上都是大公司。因为大公司相对经济效益好、生活有保障。但日本大学生并不盲目追求大公司,调查结果表明,只要感觉工作有意义,40%以上的人认为中小企业也可以。有2.9%的人一开始就想在中小企业工作,因为公司人少,自己很快可以独当一面。还有1.5%的大学生想开办自己的公司。 找到工作的日本大学生,一般都会脚踏实地,从最底层干起,尽心尽力做好自己的本职工作,凭自己的实力一步一个脚印,而不是好高骛远,想马上发大财。当然如果公司氛围不好、工作没有意思、工作地点不固定、加班多,日本大学生也会辞职。 找不到工作的学生,只能一边打工一边找工作。在日本打零工也能满足日常开销,只是没有什么澳际。当然也有部分大学生干脆就不想工作,毕业后继续当“啃老族”。Copyright 2000 - 2020 北京澳际教育咨询有限公司
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