2017-08-14 239阅读
Nowadays, many people’s lives are full of worries that have a negative influence both on their lives, and on their positive thinking.
Some can forget about the importance of positive thinking in their life, and these are the people who always try to solve some problems, whether at work or at home, and these worries poison their mind again and again.
These are simple things that people may not even notice.
If the situation is familiar to you, then this list of 10 everyday worries that influence positive thinking is right for you.
Let’s see what useless anxieties can affect your optimism, and let’s find a solution to all of them.
10 worries that influence your positive thinking
You don’t have time: to complete the project, to do the shopping, or even to call your relatives… in general, the list is endless!
1. 你没有时间:完成项目,逛街甚至打电话给你的亲人…一般这个清单是列不完的!
Life’s constant rush interferes with accomplishing tasks both in your private life and at work, which may keep you worrying all the time, thus preventing positive thinking.
Solution: Always try to find some time for yourself, your family, your hobbies, etc. This will help you to relax and free your mind from negative thoughts.
Competition: Yes, today it’s extremely high—everyone wants to be the best, and in this fight people can to forget about their personality, dignity, and positivity.
Things such as as lying, betrayal, and other similar traits become more and more popular.
Solution: Stop for a moment and think about your place in life.
Where are you? What are you? What is your purpose?
Do such “jungles” make you feel good?
Stop this pursuit and think of what is the most important in your life.
You can’t do several things at once: It has become important to demand from an average person to be like Julius Caesar, who managed to do at least three things at once.
3. 你不能同时做几件事情:它成为了一项重要的要求来让普通人变得像Julius Caesar一样能同时至少做三件事的人
In general, the human mind can only focus on one thing at a time, and doing several actions at once reduces your creativity and quality of your work with all its consequences. All this causes great stress.
Solution: Set priorities, with everything in specific order. This is the best way to manage to do everything.
Wealth and money. Even if you have this you can’t stop worrying about it.
4. 财富和金钱:即使你已经拥有了这些 ,你还是不能停止担心这件事。
In the pursuit of wealth, a person can forget about everything else, fall into depression, and live in a state of anxiety all the time.
Solution: Remember one important thing: money is only a tool, not a goal. Try to spend less time thinking about money, and focus on other joys in life.
Aging: Youth—either natural, or achieved with the help of tremendous forts and money—has been deemed vitally important nowadays.
5. 年龄: 年轻—无论是自然的,还是在巨大的努力和金钱的帮助下实现的—在当今社会一直被认为是极其重要的。
It is believed that a young-looking person is necessarily successful and happy, which is why many people begin to worry at the first sign of wrinkles, even at the age of 25.
Solution: Maintaining a positive attitude is a great way to look good. If you’re a positive person, nearly everyone will like you.
Information: In the mind of a modern person there’s a stereotype that having information equals being successful.
6. 信息:在现代人的思想中,人们一个典型的想法就是拥有信息等于成功。
That’s why many worry about news that they didn’t have time to hear, read or understand.
Solution: Remember that you can’t know everything in the world.
Learn only the information that you really need, and avoid bad news, especially that which is depressing.
Norms of life: Lots of people are worried about the fact that their life is somehow wrong.
7. 规范的生活: 很多人都担心这样的事实,他们的生活在总有些不对劲。
When worrying about similarity with others, some important things can be lost, such as individuality and authenticity.
Solution: Forget about what others might think or say.
In worrying about the thoughts of your coworkers, neighbors, or relatives, you risk losing yourself.
Love: It is human nature to worry constantly about love; cases when you don’t have it and you’re lonely, when you have it and you’re worrying to lose it, or when you lost it and now you’re in despair.
8. 爱: 不断的关于爱的担心是人类的天性;情况总是这样,在你没有得到爱的时候,你感觉孤独;当你拥有它的时候,你担心失去它;或者当你失去了它,你现在又陷入绝望。
Solution: Certainly, love is a magical feeling, but it doesn’t depend on your desires.
It’s better to live your life today without worrying about it; you’ll see then that everything will be alright.
Accidents: A ton of negative information is received daily on TV about attacks, automobile and airplane crashes, natural disasters, etc.
9. 事故: 人们每天从电视接收有关袭击,汽车和飞机事故,自然灾害等等的大量负面信息。
That’s why many people worry constantly about the things that may happen.
Solution: Try to be an optimist and believe in good. Fear doesn’t to anyone any good, so stay present and mindful.
解决方法: 努力让自己成为一个乐观主义者,相信好的食物。恐惧对任何人都没有好处,所以活在当下,思考现在。
Weather: It’s funny, but not only forecasters, pilots and geologists are worried about the weather conditions.
If you count the number of times per day the average person hears, reads or watches the weather forecast, it is clear that the weather is a serious and constant anxiety for many people.
Solution: There’s no such thing as “bad weather”. Try to enjoy all types, and don’t worry about rain, snow and wind.
解决方法: 根本就没有“坏天气”这件事。试着享受各种各样的天气,而不要担心下雨,下雪和刮风。
All these worries may be present in your everyday life and you don’t even notice how they can poison your mind and interfere with positive thinking.
In our modern world, people tend to forget about the necessity of positive thinking and positive actions; about the necessity of being at least a little bit more optimistic.
Of course, it’s hard to avoid all these worries—just try to think of them less, and therore make their influence weaker.
Remember that positive thinking is the key to happiness and success in life.
Be open to it and don’t let unnecessary worries interfere with your well-being.
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