2017-08-14 448阅读
A paycheck at the end of the week is something all employees look forward to, but what canplayers and rerees—who will have all eyes on them on the world’s biggest stage—expect tosee on their checks? Well, one might be surprised.
Rerees can make up to $50,000 for the month-long tournament, but only about ten officialare expected to make this amount. In reality, the figure is relatively smaller (in 2006, mostwere paid $35,000) for each reree based on experience and fitness as well as which gamesthey are in charge of officiating.
When it comes to players however, the variation is more significant, dependent on the type ofplayer and what team he plays for.
However, each team is guaranteed $8 million dollars just for making it to Brazil -- a numberdecided by FIFA, and the same amount that teams received for making it to the World Cup inSouth Africa in 2010.
So what is the average salary for everyone else?
It was reported that the U.S. players would each be looking at getting at least $76,000. TheAussies are each set to make $150,000 total when you take into account the match fees andprize money for being in the competition, regardless of results. Cameroonian players didn’tseem to be satisfied with the amount they were being paid, delaying their flight to Brazil andforcing their federation to take out a loan that increased their salaries by $12,000.
Of course, each team’s salary choice is their decision considering FIFA allows individual salarycaps for each nation. The same goes for the amount that each nation will pay its players for theamount of matches they play, whether or not they advance to the next round or if they actuallywin the tournament (the English Federation is set to pay their players almost $700,000 if theylift up the cup).
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