
2017-08-14 作者: 297阅读

  Heroes of the 500 2014


  We lit upon heroes in every corner of the corporate world, in every pay grade, and based all over the world. Some on the list below have forever changed the life of one individual or family; some have helped entire communities; still others have touched the lives of strangers never to be met. Of all our discoveries in this investigation, however, this one is particularly striking: Uncommon heroism is far more common in America’s giant companies than we knew. That’s the measure for which the Fortune 500 should be most proud.

  我们寻访到了散布在商界各个角落的的英雄人物们。他们工资级别不同,散布在世界各地。这份名单中的英雄人物,有的永远改变了一个人、一个家庭的生活;有的帮助了整个社区;还有人影响了素未谋面的陌生人的生活。不过,我们这次的调查有一个特别突出的现象:美国大公司中非凡的英雄壮举比我们预想的更普遍。这应该是最值得《财富》美国500强公司(Fortune 500)自豪的事。

  Masato Toda


  Age 42


  Occupation Senior Manager, American Home Assurance Company


  Company AIG


  Location Tokyo, Japan


  As he stood on a subway platform in Yokohama one morning in 2012, waiting for the train, Masato Toda heard something fall onto the tracks. The IT project manager thought someone had dropped a bag. But when he peered below, he saw what had fallen: a teenage girl, who had fainted bore slipping onto the rails. Spotting the light of the oncoming train, Toda and a nearby police officer jumped down, lifted the girl’s body, and squeezed into a shallow ditch running alongside the tracks. All three survived when the train sped over them moments later. But for Toda, who last year received a medal for his bravery from the emperor of Japan, those stirring moments remain as current as ever. Whenever he goes back to that station, he counts to himself the seconds that passed between when he jumped and the arrival of the train: 13.


  Ruth Parise


  Age 58


  Occupation Executive Administrative Assistant


  Company J.P. Morgan Chase


  Location Columbus, Ohio


  Ruth Parise’s father was a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War, though he never spoke about his experiences fighting in the Army. Only after his death in 1999 did she learn that he participated in D-day. “He put his life on the line, but he never talked about it, and a lot of these vets don’t talk about it,” says Parise (pictured above, lt, with veteran Jerry Ford). In 2008 she started volunteering with Honor Flight Columbus[Ohio], which shuttles WWII and Korean War vets, as well as terminally ill veterans of any era, to Washington, D.C., for a day of sightseeing and touring memorials. Parise has accompanied veterans on more than 20 flights, all at her own expense. They get to feel remembered, she says, and “I get a dad for a day.”

  露丝•帕里斯的父亲是一位退伍老兵,曾经历过二战和朝鲜战争,但他从未讲过自己在军队中的战斗经历。1999年,父亲去世之后,她才知道父亲曾参加过诺曼底登陆。帕里斯说:“我的父亲在战场上浴血奋战过,但他却从来没有提过这些事,许多老兵从来没有讲过自己的经历。”(上图右侧为老兵杰瑞•福特)。 2008年,她开始参加公益组织Honor Flight Columbus(俄亥俄州)的志愿者活动。这个组织将二战和朝鲜战争老兵,以及处于绝症晚期老兵,接到华盛顿特区,进行为期一天的观光旅游。帕里斯已经自费陪同老兵进行了超过20次飞行。她说,应该让他们知道,人民没有忘记他们,而且,“我自己也得到了一位能共度一天的爸爸。”


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