2017-08-14 450阅读
看完一本书却久久不能从书中抽身,感动于人物的情感纠葛,醉心于架空的历史情境,化身书中的人物行走字里行间,好像书里的世界才是真实的世界,这样的感觉我们把它叫做book hangover(醉书)。接下来我们一起聊一聊这个新词新意吧~
Book hangover rers to the moment when you&aposve finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world, but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you&aposre still living in the world of the book.
The book that enables you to have a book hangover is likely to be a book that you could not bear to finish it or let it go. Only when a book that is well-written, thought-provoking and readable or fits your style can it causes the book hangover. Enchanted by the book, we prer to slow down our tempo to read, think and hang around it even after the ending.
"I have a really bad book hangover today; I could hardly concentrate at work."
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