
2017-08-13 作者: 212阅读

  When asked the job interview question "What have you learned from your mistakes?" one way to respond is to give an example that turn a negative (a mistake) into apositive.

  面试中遇到这样的问题“你从错误中学到了什么?” ,有一种回答的方式是举出一个使得消极影响(一个错误)转化为积极影响的例子。

  Examples of good responses include:


  1. I think one of the most important things I&aposve learned is persistence. Not to give up too soon, because the solution is probably right in front of me.

  1. 我认为我学到的其中一件重要的事是坚持不懈。不要太早放弃,因为解决的方法很可能已经近在咫尺了。

  2. I have learned to give every person a second chance, because first impressions can often be misleading.

  2. 我学会了给每个人第二次机会,因为第一印象往往不可靠。

  3. I used to think that there was one best solution to a problem, but I&aposve learned that that kind of thinking limits the possibility of great success.

  3. 我曾经认为对于一个问题只有一个最优的解决方法,但是我知道了这样的想法限制了成功的可能。

  Everyone makes mistakes. It happens. It&aposs fine to share your mistakes during an interview as long as you are clear that you have learned from it. However, it&aposs a good idea to not mention a mistake that would be critical for success in the new position.


  If you&aposre asked to give an example of a mistake that you have learned from, give an example from your last position that isn&apost specifically related to the job requirements for the new position. It&aposs also a good idea to mention something that is relatively minor.


  Explain, as well, what you learned from the mistake and what you did to ensure it won&apost happen again.



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