2017-08-13 368阅读
Manycollege students have low GPAs because they’rocused on other things, like working at the schoolnewspaper, being heavily involved in clubs, volunteerwork, or building new organizations on and off campus. Or maybe your grades were lowbecause you were working a job to pay off college tuition or living expenses.
Explain this toyour interviewer, and transition into more positive aspects of your college experience by sayingsomething like, “Although these activities negatively affected my GPA, I was able to build myskills in other ways and fulfill a number of other accomplishments, including…” and provide someexamples. Be sure your interviewer knows you weren’t just slacking off.
Answer by Stuart Liroff, technical recruiter
I agree with telling the truth.
However, I disagree that working part-time, doing other extra curricular activities, (evenrelevant ones such as student government, fraternity leadership, clubs, volunteering, etc,) arean acceptable excuse. In my opinion, there is no good excuse whatsoever for a low GPA.
If you use such an excuse, you’ll get categorized as a ‘whiner’ and ‘complainer’ and won’t gethired.
I believe low GPA is a function of not performing higher on whatever standardized gradingsystem your school was using. Simply that. Therore, the excuse is that you didn’t study hardenough or work hard enough to understand what was expected of you so that you couldperform higher. The take away message was that you learned from that experience and havecompensated for those weaknesses by being humble and by working more studiously at yourchosen craft.
Of course, if there are other more accurate reasons, then of course say it your own way, butmy point in the previous paragraph is to position yourself and be honest about your low GPA.Say that you’ve learned and are working hard to improve.
I would not get into a long explanation. Keep it simple, straightforward, don’t dwell, andmove on to the next topic. I was stupid, I learned, here’s my proof, and I’m improving as aresult.
You might be introspective, in fact, and do an assessment. What have you done in yourcareer to improve? These are good data points to cite, as an example, or proof, that you’redoing what you say.
Good luck!
Answer by Brian Gill, CEO of Gilware Inc.
If they cared about GPA you wouldn’t get the interview in the first place. I really only think GPAis relevant for your first full time job application. Many companies have realized that its oftenthe 4.0 perfectionists that are not nearly as successful as the typically more well-rounded(socially) peers with 3.0. That is a massive generalization of course, as I’ve met many4.0 PhD folks that are very affable and like to party.
A 4-year degree, minimum-GPA and relevant experience are potential table-stakes to get theinterview. I can’t ever recall having a post-interview sit-down with all the hiring managers anda candidate’s degree or GPA even coming up in the conversation. The interview is all aboutattempting to figure out if this person will mesh well with the team, how autonomous anddriven they are, what is their overall upside and how quickly will they hit the ground running.
If for some reason your GPA does come up the interview, honesty is the best policy … tosome extent. If you were going through some substance abuse issues or general healthissues that have been overcome, it’s really none of their concern at this point. Being overlyhonest might cause an unfair red-flag. A simple explanation that, ‘while I’m smart I’m notmuch of an academic.. I’m very happy to get out into the real world and put school behindme..’ should be good.
Answer by Bill Florin, writer and entrepreneur
You can’t get around the truth, so think about ways to present your successes in ascompelling a way as possible.
Did you get great grades in a particular subject/discipline?If so, you can talk about how thissubject area was a particularly strong interest for you. Explain how it will be especially valuableto the employer.
Did your grades get better later? If so, discuss how you learned from your mistakes earlier inyour academic career, found a new focus and finished strong.
Did you work on a particular project that was very successful that could mitigate the GPAreality? For example, if you are interviewing for a position in a given field and you didprojects/coursework that will be especially relevant, discuss that project. Though it didn’tnecessarily improve your GPA markedly, you found it engaging. Connect the dots to explainhow it will be valuable to the employer.
Don’t make excuses.As others have mentioned, excuses sound like whining, and that will nothelp.
Get creative in how you choose to explain your college experience. Good luck!
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