
2017-08-13 作者: 365阅读

  中国房地产综合企业大连万达集团(Dalian Wanda Group)表示,两家投资基金已购入万达旗下电子商务公司5%股权,万达与中国两大互联网巨头共同创建的这家合资公司的估值已达到200亿元人民币 (合30亿美元)。详细请看下面的双语新闻。

  Wanda said the combined Rmb1bn paid by CentecNetworks and Xude Rendao for the stake was “arecord investment for a newly established ecommerce company”, according to a statement onits website.

  万达网站的一份声明称,盛科有限公司(Centec Networks)以及香港虚德仁道电商投资有限公司(XudeRendao)出资10亿元人民币入股,创造了“新创立电商公司的估值纪录”。

  Neither investment fund could be immediately contacted.


  Wanda Ecommerce, set up with the goal of challenging the supremacy of Alibaba, was valuedat $814m when it was created in August. Wanda holds 70 per cent while Baidu, China’s versionof Google, and Tencent, the social media and gaming giant, each have a 15 per cent stake.


  The venture is aimed at transforming Wanda’s bricks-and-mortar retail empire into an“online-to-offline” consumer paradise where shops push their wares via the internet to nearbysmartphone-wielding customers who then go into the stores to make their purchases.


  Wanda is China’s largest builder of retail shopping centres, with more than 100 “Wanda Plaza”malls across the country and more opening at the rate of one every two to three weeks. It callsits network of sites “the largest offline consumption platform in China”, with 1.5bn visitorsexpected this year.


  However, Wanda faces an uncertain future if predictions come true that online shopping, led byChinese ecommerce juggernaut Alibaba, will gradually replace physical storronts.


  Wanda’s founder Wang Jianlin has made clear he believes this combination of physicalshopping with virtual marketing and payments is the future of retail in China — a view that issharply at odds with the vision of Alibaba’s founder and chairman Jack Ma, who has long arguedthat Chinese bricks-and-mortar businesses are on their way out.

  万达创始人王健林明确表示,他相信传统商店购物与虚拟营销和支付结合在一起是中国零售业的未来,这与阿里巴巴创始人兼董事长马云(Jack Ma)的言论存在明显分歧,长期以来,马云一直辩称,中国的传统零售业即将灭亡。

  In 2013 Mr Wang even challenged Mr Ma to a Rmb100m bet on whether ecommerce wouldsurpass bricks and mortar retail in China in 10 years. Mr Ma reportedly did not take him up onthe wager.



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