
2017-08-13 作者: 326阅读

  What is more important to you: the money or the work?


  Money is always important, but the work you perform is the most important. Every employee who has quit a job in frustration knows the importance of enjoying their line of work. Let’s face it, there are a few positions that you wouldn’t do no matter the salary.


  WORST ANSWER: This question may be posed to you in different ways, at different times in the interview. The interviewer knows what he’s doing: he’s looking for inconsistent answers on your part to determine if you’ve been coached . The worst thing you could do is answer differently than you did bore. At that point, your consistency comes into question and the one thing that’s valued across all cultures is consistency.


  BEST ANSWER: The best answer is to put things into perspective. Money IS important — highly important — after all, no one works for free, but enjoying your work, your co-workers, and boss rank higher. We all know people, perhaps you’ve been in this same circumstance, who were highly paid but despised their job.


  Example: “My honest answer is that it depends on the money and the work. Obviously there are positions I wouldn’t do no matter the pay, but others I would consider on a volunteer basis. In reality, though, I don’t think a strong compensation package and enjoyable work are mutually exclusive. My desire is to work in a field that offers me not only the challenge of growth and personal development, but professional development as well. Based on what I’ve learned about this open position at your company, I believe I’m an ideal fit.”



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