2017-08-13 299阅读
Kipsang number rers to the maximum distance a person could run at the average pace used by Wilson Kipsang while setting the marathon world record.
Wilson Kipsang Kiprotich (born 15 March 1982) is a Kenyan athlete who specialises in long-distance running, competing in events ranging from 10 km to the marathon. He was the bronze medallist in the marathon at the 2012 Summer Olympics. He is the former world record holder in the marathon with a time of 2:03:23, which he set at the 2013 Berlin Marathon.
威尔森·基普桑生于1982年3月15日,是一名肯尼亚长跑运动员。他参加的赛事从10公里长跑到马拉松级别的都有。他曾在 2012年夏季奥运会中,摘得马拉松项目的铜牌。他还是马拉松项目的前世界纪录保持者,当年,他以2:03:23的成绩在2013年柏林马拉松赛上刷新了世界纪录。
Back when Wilson Kipsang set the world record, my running friends and I came up with the "Kipsang number," which represented how long could you keep up with Wilson Kipsang while he was running twenty-six miles. I am a devoted runner and my Kipsang number is less than a mile. The average, healthy, athletic, American, twenty-two-year old varsity athlete in a sport other than track probably has a Kipsang number of between 400 and 800 metres. You could keep up with him for a quarter of a mile, then you would collapse in exhaustion.
For example:
What's your Kipsang number? I think I'd have 200m. Then I'd need oxygen.
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