2017-08-13 411阅读
Vegan rers to a strict vegetarian who consumes no animal food or dairy products and who also abstains from using animal products (as leather). Many vegans also do not eat foods that are processed using animal products, such as rined white sugar and some wines.
"Flexitarian"(flexible vegetarian) or semi-vegetarian is a term to describe those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat meat as a protein supplement.
An ovo-lacto vegetarian (or lacto-ovo vegetarian) is a vegetarian who does not eat any meat, fish, or poultry, but includes eggs and dairy products.
Ovo-lacto vegetarian或lacto-ovo vegetarian(奶蛋素食主义者)是不任何吃肉、鱼、禽,但吃鸡蛋和奶制品的人。
A pollotarian (aka a pollovegetarian or a pollo-vegetarian) is someone who will not eat the flesh of any red meat mammals, but does include chicken, turkey and other poultry.
Pescetarian rers to a person who supplements a vegetarian diet with fish.
fruitarian is someone whose diet includes raw fruits, seeds, and nuts but no vegetables, grains, or animal products.
Climatarian means choosing to eat a diet that has minimal impact on the climate, i.e. one that excludes food transported a long way or meat whose production gives rise to CO2 emissions.
其他类型的素食者还包括自由的素食主义(libral vegetarian)。这类人主要是以素食为主,偶尔会食用肉类。此外,还有苦行式素食主义(ascetic vegetarian)。这类人为坚定心中的信念,以苦行的方式进行素食,不仅戒蛋,牛奶,甚至戒大豆,食盐,甘地为其代表人物。奶素主义者(Lacto vegetarian)食用奶类和其相关产品,如奶酪、奶油或酸奶;而蛋素主义者(Ovo vegetarian)可以接受鸡蛋。
其他泛指吃货的常用说法还有:故意减少饮食中肉的摄入量的“忌肉主义者”(reducetarian);专吃肉、不吃蔬菜的“肉食主义者”(meatatarian);源自春素主义者(vegan),现在可以用于指代素食主义者的严格素食者(strict vegetarian);认为鱼、家禽、海鲜、动物脂肪、油脂、骨粉和皮肤等也不是肉的“不食肉主义者”(nonmeat-eater)。
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