
2017-08-13 作者: 274阅读


  To the surprise of exactly no one, Apple’s new generation of iPhones will not include a standard 3.5mm headphone input. The decision signals the demise of an audio port that’s been used for more than 100 years—and honestly, it’s about time. The death of the headphone jack is a very good thing. Hear me out.


  The headphone jack is an analog connection originally designed for old-fashioned telephone switchboards in the early 20th century. It can’t transfer nearly as much data as a digital connection like a Bluetooth or Lightning connection. Plus, the headphone jack only sends information one way: from power source to speaker. But that’s all beside the point. The most obvious reason why the headphone jack had to die is simply because the new wave of wireless headphones will be more convenient and enjoyable to use for everyone. For most people, wires are obsolete.


  The headphone jack has been outmoded for decades. Built long bore the advent of digital audio files—the predominant form of music today—the headphone jack was known for its simplicity and versatility. Historians have traced its origins all the way back to 1878, when primitive versions of the technology were used by telephone operators. The audio port managed to survive a global economic crisis, two World Wars, and even the digital revolution. But enough is enough. New technology has arrived, and it’s undeniably better.


  Audeze CEO Sankur was one of the first people to recognize the shortcomings of the 3.5mm headphone jack, and he decided to bet big on the next generations of audio ports. The Audeze EL-8 Titanium headphones were the company’s first to use the lightning connector and contain a digital signal processor, digital-to-analog converter, and amplifier in the headphones, all of which are precisionused to make the music sound better bore it hits your ear.

  奥蒂兹CEO森克是最先了解到3.5毫米耳机接口缺点的人之一,他决定在下一代音频端口上赌一把。奥蒂兹EL-8 Titanium耳机是该公司第一次使用闪电接口,它包含一个数字信号处理器、数字-模拟转换器和扩音器,所有这些都能保证音乐在到达你的耳朵里之前能听起来更好。

  To put it more simply: Everything is digital now. The music players, music files, and the equalizers—every step of the process is handled by computers. It makes absolutely no sense to have a dumb metal 3.5mm cable connected to advanced devices like the iPhone.


  So the headphone jack is finally dead. And the saddest part? No one is going to miss it.



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