
2017-08-13 作者: 717阅读


  1. “Corduroy”


  “Corduroy” is the story of a little bear who is for sale in a toy shop. He has lost one of his buttons, so no one wants to buy him. This makes him very sad because he wants to be taken home by a child. Corduroy decides he needs to find a new button if someone is going to buy him.


  So one night, he leaves the toy shop and goes out into the big store to find a button for himself. Unfortunately he wasn’t able to find a button, but you’ll have to read the story to see what happens next.


  “Corduroy” uses a lot of advanced vocabulary, such as “overalls” (the item of clothing in these pictures) and “escalator” (stairs that move). Therore, it could be helpful to use a dictionary while you read this book. You can also learn many house-related words, like “sofa” and “furniture.”


  2. “Where the Wild Things Are”


  “Where the Wild Things Are” is about a boy named Max who misbehaves in front of his parents. His mother sends him to his room without eating dinner. While in his room, a forest magically grows and Max meets huge monsters called Wild Things. The Wild Things try to scare him, but Max tames the them with a magic trick.


  The Wild Things become scared of Max, so they call him the most wild thing of all. Eventually, Max says he must go home and he returns to his room on his private boat. When Max finally gets home again, his mother has lt dinner for him, still hot.


  This is one of the most classic children’s books in English literature, and is also one of the most well known. In fact, it was made into a very popular movie. Despite being a children’s book, “Where the Wild Things Are” uses some advanced vocabulary, so it is great for learning higher level words and grammar.


  3. “The Story of Ferdinand”


  Ever since he was a kid, Ferdinand, a bull (a male cow), loved to smell the flowers in the pasture (area of grass) where he lives. But the other bulls liked to play and butt heads. When Ferdinand grows up, he becomes the biggest and the strongest of the bulls—but he still likes to sit and smell the flowers.


  One day five men come to pick a bull from the pasture for the bull fights. Ferdinand does not want to be chosen, but a bee stings him. The bee sting causes Ferdinand to jump around crazily, so the five men pick Ferdinand for the bull fights. In Ferdinand’s first fight, he lies down to smell the flowers in the arena (the place where they have the fights) instead of fighting. Because of this he is sent back to the pasture.


  This is the first story on this list that has more normal language and flow instead of using poetry, rhyming or lacking a real story. It has everything that makes a children’s book great for English learners: simple and advanced vocabulary, as well as simple and advanced grammar concepts.


  4. “Green Eggs and Ham”


  In this book, a cat named Sam really likes green eggs and ham. So he offers it to a friend, but the friends does not want to eat green eggs and ham.


  They go on a train, inside a tunnel and even in the lake, but Sam’s friend still does not want to eat green eggs and ham. After Sam asks his friend many times, his friend finally tries the green eggs and ham. You’ll have to read the book to see if he liked the meal or not.


  This book is a long and very entertaining poem. It uses repetition like “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” does. Despite having mostly simple vocabulary, the words are used in a way that feels smart. There is a lot of rhyming and use of similar words, which is what makes this book so clever and fun to read.


  5. “The Cat in the Hat”


  Written by the same author as “Green Eggs and Ham,” this famous book begins with two siblings. They have to stay inside one day because it is cold and rainy outside. They don’t know what to do to have fun, and their parents are not home.


  Suddenly, a cat in a hat knocks on their door and invites himself in. The cat makes a mess while having fun and playing around. The cat leaves and returns with Thing 1 and Thing 2 inside, making a bigger mess. Will the siblings be able to clean up bore their parents return? You will have to read the book to find out.


  “The Cat in the Hat” is the longest of the children’s books on this list, but it is one of the best ones. The Cat in the Hat character is one of Dr. Seuss’s most popular stories. This book is excellent for English learners because of the simple language and diverse vocabulary. I recommend this book for people who want a larger knowledge of English vocabulary in particular. For example, a couple of fun words used in this story include “thump” and “bump.”


  There are so many great ways to learn from children’s books as you improve your English. They have memorable images, important life lessons, usul context for remembering new words, and simple vocabulary/grammar. The next time you aren’t sure what to do to improve your English, try reading a children’s book!



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