毕业之后你需要的不仅仅是硬实力 还有软实力!.

2017-08-13 作者: 51阅读

  Universities should teach students “social and emotional” skills on top of their academic studies to prepare them for the demands of 21st-century society, according to the former president of Shanghai Normal University.


  Minxuan Zhang, director of the Research Center for International and Comparative Education at Shanghai Normal, made the comments at a forum held at the UCL Institute of Education.


  Speaking to Times Higher Education after the event on “21st Century Skills in a Global Context”, Professor Zhang said that all students, “no matter what subjects or disciplines they do”, should have these skills.


  “In our university, we already pay attention to that,” he said. “So we have zero-credit courses, [consisting of] social activities. So all students [join]…and among the activities they can learn social and emotional skills.


  “We internationalised our own campus, which let students not only learn academic knowledge, but let them [learn about] themselves in society. [We] try to give them opportunities to use what they [have] learned [bore they go into the real world].”


  During the debate, Professor Zhang said that students in China, besides aiming to study abroad at institutions such as Harvard University and the UCL Institute of Education, wanted to learn “something different from other countries”. To help prepare them, he said, Shanghai had introduced “core competencies” covering soft, emotional skills.


  “We are getting more and more aware of global skills,” he told the audience. “This is very new [however]. Even five years ago, Shanghai students and educators didn’t talk about this too much.”



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