英国女王家要重新装修 居然耗时要十年!.

2017-08-13 作者: 294阅读

  The Queen will remain in residence during the work, to begin next April.


  Ageing cables, lead pipes, wiring and boilers will be replaced, many for the first time in 60 years, amid fears about potential fire and water damage.


  Tony Johnstone-Burt, Master of the Queen’s Household, said phased works offered the "best value for money" while keeping the palace running.


  The Royal Trustees, who include the prime minister and chancellor, recommended that the works be funded by a temporary increase in the Sovereign Grant.

  皇家受托人(Royal Trustees)(包括英国首相和财政大臣)建议工程的费用可以通过临时增加“君主拨款(Sovereign Gran)”来筹集。

  The grant - which this year totalled nearly 43m pounds - is 15% of the profits from the independent property business Crown Estates.

  这笔拨款(今年总额近4300万英镑)是独立地产业务“王室地产(Crown Estates)”利润的15%提成。

  The trustees say the grant should rise to 25% of the profits for the repairs. This would require MPs’ approval.


  Her Majesty’s HQ


  As Her Majesty’s administrative headquarters, the Queen spends a third of the year hosting events at Buckingham Palace.


  When in town, she holds weekly audiences with the prime minister, and every year welcomes more than 50,000 people as guests to state banquets, dinners, receptions and garden parties.


  The palace has 775 rooms, including 19 state rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms.


  It has served as the official London residence of Britain’s sovereigns since 1837, playing host to a stream of historical figures, including author Charles Dickens, the US Presidents Woodrow Wilson and John F Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi - who wore a loin cloth and sandals to tea with King George V - Neil Armstrong and Nelson Mandela.


  The occupied royal palaces are held in trust for the nation by the Queen but the cost of maintaining them falls on the government.


  The works will be carried out on a phased basis, completing one wing at a time, awarding contracts separately for each phase, aiming to minimise the financial and practical risks, the Royal Household said.


  In 2014, MPs criticised the Royal Household for mismanaging its finances.


  A report by the Public Accounts Committee said the Royal Household was "not looking after nationally important heritage properties adequately", saying that in March 2012, 39% of the royal estate was "below what the household deemed to be an acceptable condition".

  据公共账目委员会(Public Accounts Committee)的一份报告表示,王室“没有充分地照顾到国家的重要遗产”,表示称在2012年3月39%的皇室地产“低于可接受状况”。


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