
2017-08-13 作者: 198阅读

  On Nov. 9, 99 young couples professed their love to each other in a newly built garden at Sichuan Southwest Vocational College of Aviation. The school spent nearly 3 million RMB to build the garden.


  Wei Quanbin, the president of the college, gave a speech at the event, celebrating the love of the couples in attendance. He encouraged students to search for "the one," affirming his beli that love fills people with positive energy.


  One couple, composed of two of the university’s graduates, wanted to experience the garden for themselves after hearing about their alma mater’s new project. So a club called “Modern Ladies and Gentlemen” put out a formal call for students to attend the event.


  The garden features a giant clock, which is paused at 5:20 (the pronunciation of "5:20" sounds similar to “I love you” in Chinese), a "gate of true love," a "path of affection" and trees that grow green apples and red persimmons.


  The event in the garden is a part of the university’s relationship management curriculum. In addition to the couples garden, the school also has required courses like “Love and Sex,” as well as an online forum to guide students in their relationships, both romantic and otherwise.


  Peng Xiaohui, a professor at Central China Normal University, said that it’s good for schools to organize such events, as it means that relationship between students will be supported rather than suppressed. The Chinese Ministry of Education removed the prohibition against students get married in 2015, giving more freedom to college students in their love lives.



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