
2017-08-13 作者: 320阅读

  For all the Harry Potter fans across the globe, the newly released film Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them invites you to return to the wizarding world.


  Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them takes us back to a new era in J.K. Rowling's magic world decades bore Harry Potter and half a world away. The movie takes place in the same magical universe but transposed (转移,转换) to New York in 1926 where an English gentleman, Newt Scamander, arrived for a stopover, with a suitcase full of extraordinary creatures. As a Magizoologist (神奇生物学家), he travelled worldwide to rescue and protect endangered species, hoping to educate the wizarding world about the wonder and brilliance he saw in those magic animals.


神奇动物在哪里  "It's just not like anything I've ever been a part of. It's like imagination being taken to the extreme," said Eddie Redmayne, the Academy Award—winning actor who played Newt Scamander in the movie. "I'm a Harry Potter fan. When I was in college I even auditioned (试镜) for the role of Tom Riddle."


  Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them is adapted from the book of the same name, published in 2001. When explaining where the inspiration came from, J.K. Rowling said: "It was a textbook that Harry Potter used at school. During the writing of that textbook, I became quite interested in the author, Newt Scanmander. Of all the Potter characters who were just names, he was the one that took quite a bit of life in my mind."


  While the beasts are at the heart of the film's title, humans are at the heart of its story, said David Heyman, a producer on the Harry Potter movies. "The Potter films and this film all emanate (发出,散发) from a place of character. Newt is an outsider, a bit like all of [Rowling's] characters." That's why Newt feels best able to connect with the beasts, though eventually he connects with people as well.


  Potter fans around the globe are eagerly anticipating to get another look at the magic world. It'll be released on November 25 in China.



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