
2017-08-13 作者: 422阅读

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  Tell us a bit about your daily preparation and morning routine:?

  Plan to get up at 7..generally oversleep at get up at quarter past. Grab together various books and folders and money and make some sarnies. Leave at half 7, bus leaves at half 7, run after the bus who then lets me on and tells me to stop being late . Stick the ipod on and sit on the bus for an hour+ depending on traffic, usually with a book we have to read.

  So what did you do today?

  English first thing, 9-10:30, going over the exam papers we did last week, re-reading and acting out the current play we&apos&aposre doing &apos&apostranslations&apos&apos did a bit of history into the irish penal laws and religions and stuff, laughed at peoples irish accents etc.. Hike up to 7th floor for biology (10:45-12:15). Our lecturer is hilarious, comes out with some brilliant one-liners..we did not quite so thrilling cell respiration..with a bit of colouring and sticking to help our brains learn. Usually brilliantly interesting lessons..this one not so much.. LUNCH TIME! might think yay, but no. Tutorial at lunch time..out tutor moans at us about sending ucas and about our extended essay...15 minutes lt of lunch so we head on up to the 4th floor sit in the corridor and cram some food in while moaning about how little the A level people have to do compared to the IB people..as usual. Chemistry 1:15-2:45, practical time. get out our labcoats which they made us buy , spill indicator all over it for no reason..good start. Doing something with electrodes and their potentials..sound a bit too much like physics to me..and obviously to my chem teacher too, who has no idea what we&apos&aposre doing and so goes and gets the physics guy who mocks us for being chemists manage to scrabble down some pretty decent results bore going to maths. Maths 3-4. Nice and short at the end of a long day..but no we&apos&aposre starting coursework supposidly. everyone else does their work (there&apos&aposs like 9 of us tho really) while me and my friend made to-do lists and moan about the ib and how much we have to do. we count how much work we have to do in the next week...25 hours of it lol.. 4:00- supposed freedom. stupid bus doesn&apos&apost come till half 4..so pop off to starbucks for a coffee and chat. Bus comes, i nearly miss it (as usual) and then finally get home at 6ish .

  How do you finish the day after returning from college?

  its the IB. generally homework for every lesson..tend to do the stuff thats either a) important or b)the teacher will make a fuss if it&apos&aposs not due in. Will always do a bit of spanish or so else I forget it all. Then 9 o clock off to the pub for a chat with my friends who don&apos&apost do IB and tend to laugh at me a lot when I go home at 11 because I haveeee to sleep lots .

  And finally, can you tell us the best thing about day to day college life?

  Friends dfo...if they weren&apos&apost there to drag you through the day then there&apos&aposs no way I&apos&aposd keep going.. also the free periods...allthough rare (2 a week!!!) are amazing, we have our friday afternoon plan of nandos and pucchinos bore chemistry..keeps us going haha . Also the fact that 6 months away it&apos&aposll all be over and we will have survived the IB.


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