
2017-08-13 作者: 292阅读




  &apos&aposTell us a bit about your daily preparation and morning routine?

  OK. I have to wake up at 6.30am (woot) in order to catch the bus to college at 7.50am. I&apos&aposm slow in the morning, you see. I go downstairs to play on the piano to wake up, and have some porridge, fruit and green tea. I then go upstairs and have a shower, get dressed, find my bag (usually under yesterday&apos&aposs clothes - heh.), prepare a thermos of tea and leave for the bus. I don&apos&apost usually have to make lunch as lunch is good at college.

  So what did you do today?

  Today was Wednesday, so that meant Physics this morning. We estimated the masses of various objects by taking its weight and the force of gravity on earth (10N/kg by the way!) and times it together. The teacher also explained how we interpret temperature relative to our own. For example, ice is cold because we lose heat rapidly in handling it, whilst a hot pan scalds because we gain heat at too fast a rate for our skin to cope. This is why a metal pole and a plastic box feel like they&apos&aposre at different temperatures, but are actually at the same (room temperature). Then somehow we ended up talking about Astronomy. Good times... Italian was at 11:15 until 2:15, and we had a big interaction activity where we had to make our fellow students answer Italian mental arithmetic in Italian, recapping on our numbers. To make it more interesting, the teacher (who&apos&aposs so Italian, she&apos&aposs late for every lesson) gave us a rabbit called Silvio (I&apos&aposm not making that up) to throw around to dictate who had to answer the question. Then we listened to some Italian farmers haggling with thifty locals. Think the scene from Family Guy when Peter is in an Italian shop. In the break between the two Italian lessons, I had a lunch of a pineapple smoothie and a prawn mayonnaise sandwich. Mmmm... The rest of the day was spent doing CAS...or rather discussing what we shall be doing. Disorganisation is key ;) We came up with the idea of an Arabic study group as there is an expedition to Morocco in May, although I&apos&aposm not sure how Muslim the country is - would they ignore an Arabic speaking white woman? I wonder... I spent the last half an hour bore the bus coming back with my friends, drinking the green tea :) and debating whether Theory of Knowledge should be renamed "Lessons in Sleeping", as the teacher went into a bit of a rant about whether we know what we actually know about what we...ah stuff it. I did actually listen, but...those doing IB, stick to your studies, and when you have ToK homework, just do it your own way. I finished the day by doing the epic coat dance in the rain with my free spirited chums bore getting the bus at 4:30pm to go home.

  How do you finish the day after returning from school/college?

  Depends. Today, I came home and got cracking nuts - I mean, doing the ToK homework. But on Fridays, I go Fencing, Tuesdays Bell ringing and sometimes on a Wednesday I visit my mum&apos&aposs friend, who&apos&aposs elderly but is awesome - she can still skip at 83! Usually though, when I walk back from the bus stop, I go say hello to Dad in his office. Sometimes I see his assistant Phil, who&apos&aposs seriously chirpy, but usually I just see him coming down the road. Oh, and obviously I have food. Usually some pasta or a pie :P

  And finally, can you tell us the best thing about day to day 6th form/college life?

  Hmmm, tricky. I shall go for things, I think. Fruit smoothies, the less structured style of lessons, the wider range of activities on offer, the people with funky hair, the rabbit called Silvio, the unorthodox discussions, and, last but not least, the epic coat dance.


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