2017-08-13 341阅读
� ACT考试在当下呈现出与SAT可谓是“并驾齐驱”的状态,很多国内考生选择了ACT考试。今天就为大家介绍一下ACT英语考试的十大策略,都是英文版的,希望对同学们备考有所帮助。
Top 10 Strategies for the ACT English Test
1.Skim an English passage bore starting work on the questions
2.On questions that ask you to judge a passage, lean toward selecting a choice that favors it
3.Choose answers that match the level of formality of the entire passage
4.The best way to write something is the shortest correct way of writing it
5.If you speak a "nonstandard" dialect, be extra carul with questions that focus on idioms
6.Watch for subject-verb and noun-pronoun agreement
7.Make sure parenthetical phrases begin and end with the same punctuation mark
8.Look out for sentence fragments and run-on sentences
9.Make sure that nouns and pronouns are modified by adjectives, and that verbs and adjectives are modified by adverbs
10.Learn the difference between it&apos&aposs and its
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