
2017-08-11 作者: 254阅读



  忽略他因攻击Thirdly, the author has focused only on A. A more detailed analysis would reveal that other factors far outweigh the factor on which the author focuses. For example, C. Lacking a more comprehensive analysis of the causes, it is presumptuous for the author to claim that A solely determined B.

  因果倒置攻击At last, it is possible that the author has confused cause with fect. Perhaps A was a response to B. Since the author fails to account for this possibility, the claim that …is completely unwarranted.

  样本数量攻击 Another problem that seriously weakens the logic of this argument is that the survey cited is based on too small a sample to be reliable. Offered in support of the argument, the only evidence is that…. Unless it can be shown that the sample is typical of all general group, the fact that … is groundless to claim that…

  Loaded question和诚实性攻击 What’s more, the methodology of the survey is problematic for two reasons. For one thing, we are not informed whether the survey provided only 3 alternatives. If it did, the respondents, who might very well prer another choice not provided in the survey, might be forced to give up their prerences. For another thing, we are not informed whether the survey responses were anonymous or confidential. The respondents might supply responses favored by their superiors who might conduct the survey. Both events would lead this survey unreliable, let alone draw the conclusion that…

  样本时效性攻击Last but not least, another flaw that significantly undermines this argument is that the author neglects to indicate how recently the survey was actually conducted. When used to generally claim a particular group, the samples should be close enough to support the generalization, in order to prevent historical changes from invalidating the generalization. All we know is that the survey is recently published. The less recent the survey itself, the less reliable the results to demonstrate that…

  差异概念攻击To begin with, we must establish the meaning of the vague concept A. If the term were synonymous with B, the evidence cited would strongly support the argument. However, A may be dined in other terms such as C and D. Accordingly, the author has drawn the conclusion too hastily due to the ignorance of other dinitions of A.

  范围内推攻击 What’s more, the most egregious reasoning error in this argument is that the author uses evidence pertaining to a general group on the basis of a particular B. Even if the reasoning may be sound in general sense, the particular situation in which B is involved may not be representative of the entire general group. It is possible that... If this is the case, the claim that… is ill founded.

  不随时变攻击Moreover, the author unfairly assumes that A will remain unchanged over the next decades. However, a mere recent one-year A is insufficient to claim that. Statistics from such limited anecdotal evidence is not a good indicator for this trend. In addition, it is possible that in the future, this trend would greatly fluctuate or even reverse, then the adoption of the author’s proposal might give birth to B, however, it might also have a negative impact on C1 and, in turns, C2. Admittedly, this argument would be even weaker and weaker each day as time goes by.




2.GMAT考试作文机经 6月19日更新(六)



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