
2017-08-11 作者: 212阅读


  51. There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students&apos doing a part-time job.


  52. By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.


  53. Although people’s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day.


  54. Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their study life.


  55. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that part-time job can produce a far-reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to take part-time job, which will benit students and their family, even the society as a whole.


  56. These days, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain that work is more stressful and less leisurely than in past. Many experts point out that, along with the development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there is no way to avoid it.


  57. It is widely acknowledged that computer and other machines have become an indispensable part of our society, which make our life and work more comfortable and less laborious.

  人们普遍认为计算机和其他机器已经成为我们社会必不可少的一部分。 它们使我们的生活更舒适,减少了大量劳动。

  58. At the same time, along with the benits of such machines, employees must study knowledge involved in such machines so that they are able to control them.


  59. No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master those high-technology skills easily.


  60. In the second place, there seem to be too many people without job and not enough job position.




  51. There is a general debate on the campus today over the phenomenon of college or high school students&apos doing a part-time job.


  52. By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.


  53. Although people’s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day.


  54. Consequently, the extra money obtained from part-time job will strongly support students to continue to their study life.


  55. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that part-time job can produce a far-reaching impact on students and they should be encouraged to take part-time job, which will benit students and their family, even the society as a whole.

  通过上面的讨论,我们不难得出结论:业余工作对学生们会产生深远的影响,我们应鼓励学生从事业余工作,这将有利于学生和他们的家庭,甚至整个社会。 上12下




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