
2017-08-11 作者: 34阅读


The following appeared as part of a campaign to sell advertising time on a local radio station to local businesses:

  “The Cumquat Café began advertising on our local radio station this year and was delighted to see its business increase by 10 percent over last year’s totals. Their success shows you how you can use radio advertising to make your business more profitable.”


  1.无因果联系,commits a fallacy of causal oversimplification.Cumquat Café 的销售的增加不一定就是广告引起的.也可能是其他的因素使得销售增加.

  2.错误类比 :The argument rests on the assumption that A is analogous to B in all respects.

  即使Cumquat Café 的销售的增加是广告所带来的,但是Cumquat Café和其他的生意也许有很多的不同的地方,所以其他的生意使用广告不一定也能带来收益的增加。



  In an attempt to sell radio advertising time, this ad claims that radio advertising will make businesses more profitable. The evidence cited is a ten percent increase in business that the Cumquat Cafe has experienced in the year during which it advertised on the local radio station. This argument is unconvincing because two questionable assumptions must be made for the stated evidence to support the author’s conclusion.

  The first assumption is that radio advertising alone has caused the increase in business at the Cumquat Cafe. This assumption is questionable because it overlooks a number of other factors that might have contributed to the Cumquat’s success. For example, the Cumquat might have changed owners or chs; it might have launched a coupon ad campaign in the local print media; or it might have changed or updated the menu. Yet another possibility is that a local competitor went out of business. These are just a few of the factors that could help explain the Cumquat’s growth. Because the author fails to eliminate these possibilities, the assumption in question need not be accepted.

  Even if it is granted that radio advertising is responsible for the Cumquat’s success, another assumption must be made bore we can conclude that radio advertising will result in increased profits for businesses in general. We must also assume that what is true of the Cumquat will likewise be true of most other businesses. But there are all kinds of important differences between cafes and other businesses that could affect how radio audiences react to their advertising. We cannot safely assume that because a small restaurant has benited from radio advertising, any and all local businesses will similarly benit.

  In conclusion, it would be imprudent for a business to invest in radio advertising solely on the basis of the evidence presented. To strengthen the conclusion, it must be established that radio advertising was the principal cause of increased business at the Cumquat. Once this is shown, it must be determined that the business in question is sufficiently like the Cumquat, and so can expect similar returns from investment in radio ad time.




3.GMAT考试作文机经 7月10日更新(四)


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