2017-08-11 283阅读
The following appeared in the editorial section of a corporate newsletter: "The common notion that workers are generally apathetic about management issues is false, or at least outdated: a recently published survey indicates that79 percent of the nearly 1,200workers who responded to survey questionnaires expressed a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benits programs." Discuss how well reasoned ... etc.
正文:Based upon a survey among workers that indicates a high level of interest in the topics of corporate restructuring and redesign of benits programs, the author concludes that workers are not apathetic about management issues. Specifically, it is argued that since 79 percent of the 1200 workers who responded to survey expressed interest in these topics, the notion that workers are apathetic about management issues is incorrect. The reasoning in this argument is problematic in several respects. 开头段的作用主要有两个:1. 原文的背景介绍;2指出作者目前所提供的推理信息无法得出该结论。
First, the statistics cited in the editorial may be misleading because the total number of workers employed by the corporation is not specified. For example, if the corporation employs 2000 workers, the fact that 79 percent of the nearly 1200 respondents showed interest in these topics provides strong support for the conclusion. On the other hand, if the corporation employs 200,000 workers, the conclusion is much weaker. 指出题干中存在调查可疑问题:应给予详细信息和绝对数量的工人而不是部分。
Another problem with the argument is that the respondents' views are not necessarily representative of the views of the work force in general. For example, because the survey has to do with apathy, it makes sense that only less apathetic workers would respond to it, thereby distorting the overall picture of apathy among the work force. Without knowing how the survey was conducted, it is impossible to assess whether or not this is the case. 指出样本不足:公司不是所有公司,不能代表所有的其他公司。
A third problem with the argument is that it makes a hasty generalization about the types of issues workers are interested in. It accords with common sense that workers would be interested in corporate restructuring and redesign of benits programs, since these issues affect workers very directly. However, it is unfair to assume that workers would be similarly interested in other management issues ones that do not affect them or affect them less directly. 指出无端假设:它是自然的,工人们感兴趣的话题如公司结构和设计福利项目,这一趋势不能引用来支持作者的指控。
1. 原文怎么说的,作者是怎么说的。
2. 原文语言细节所体现的逻辑信息,即作者暗示了什么。
5. 指出如果作者考虑了某条件,那么其结论会更加可信,但是他没有。
In conclusion, this argument is not convincing as it stands. To strengthen it, the author would have to show that the respondents account for a significant and representative portion of all workers. Additionally, the author must provide evidence of workers' interest other management topics not just those that affect workers directly.结尾重申论点,对主要内容进行强调。
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