
2017-08-11 作者: 262阅读


  1)Two recent publications offer different assessment of the career of the famous British nurse Florence Nightingale.(主题句,由此句和三段首句可知本文是结论解释型文章,即主要特点是总分式)A book by Anne Summers (观点之一)seeks to debunk (负评价的实义动词)the idealizations and present a reality(正评价词)at odds with Nightingale’s heroic reputation. According to Summers, Nightingale’s importance during the Crimean War(和观点二比较的差别点) has been exaggerated(负评价的实义动词): not until near the war’s end did she become supervisor of the female nurses. Additionally, (递进副词,表示行文方向一致,因此后面内容可以略读,仅提炼关键词即可,或不读)Summers writes that the contribution of the nurses to the reli of the wounded was at best marginal. The prevailing problems of military medicine were caused by army organizaitonal pratices, and the addition of a few nurses to the medical staff could be no more than symbolic. Nightingale’s place in the national pantheon, Summers asserts, is lrgely due to the propagandistic forts of contemporary newspaper reporters.(以上略读)

  2)By contrast(重要的GMAT阅读强转折词,注意GMAT考试对比方/观点的差异点), the editors (对比观点二)of a new volume of Nightingale’s letters view Nightingale as a person who significantly influenced(正评价词) not only her own age but also subsequenct generations. They highlight her ongoing forts to rorm sanitary conditions after the war(观点二比较的差别点,和观点一中during the Crimean War对比,这一句是后面举例的总结句,重要,知道总结句可以不用看后面的例子。). For example,(举例通常可以略读,只提取例子中的关键词,如peacetime living conditions,举例的关键看前后的总结句,这里是for example 前面的一句话,因为例子都是用来说明总结句的,只要明白总结句的意思就行了,这都是常用的GMAT阅读技巧。

  ) when she leanred that peacetime living conditions in British barracks were so horrible that the death rate of enlisted men far exeeded that of neighboring civilian populations, she succeeded in persuading the government to establish a Royal Commission on the Health of the Army. She used sums raised through public contributions to found a nurses’ traning hospital in London. Even in administrative matters, the editors assert, her practical intelligence was formidable: as recently as 1947 the British Army’s medical services were still using the cost-accounting system she had devised in the 1860’s.(以上略读)


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