
2017-08-10 作者: 304阅读

11. Similar to rising interest rates,consumer and producer prices have been rising.

(A) Similar to rising interest rates, consumer and producer prices have been rising.

(B) Consumer and producer prices have been rising, as have interest rates.

(C) As interest rates are rising, so have consumer and producer prices.

(D) Consumer and producer prices have been rising, like interest rates do.

(E) Consumer and producer prices, as interest rates, have been rising.

12. Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked,it continues for some time to respire,taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide,similar to the way human beings breathe.

(A) similar to the way human beings breathe

(B) similarly to human beings who are breathing

(C) just like the breathing of human beings

(D) as human beings when breathing

(E) just as human beings do when they breathe

13. The United States government employs a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any government.

(A) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any

(B) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than does any other

(C) much larger proportions of women in trade negotiations than has any

(D) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any

(E) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any other

14. A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head,lasts for hours or days,and may recur as infrequently as once every other month or often,as daily.

(A) as infrequently as once every other month or often, as

(B) as infrequently as once every other month or as often as

(C) infrequently, as often as once every other month, or often, like

(D) infrequently, like once every other month, or often, like

(E) infrequently, like once every other month, or as often as

15. Founded in 1983,the magazine increased its circulation more than double since then,and its advertising.

(A) increased its circulation more than double since then,

(B) has since increased its circulation more than double,

(C) has since more than doubled its circulation

(D) since then more than doubled its circulation

(E) more than doubled its circulation since then

16. Unlike Gertrude Stein,Ezra Pound,and other expatriates,William Carlos Williams insisted that poets honor their own regions and employ specifically American rhythms.

(A) Unlike Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, William Carlos Williams insisted

(B) Although Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams&apos insistence was

(C) Contrary to Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates, it was William Carlos Williams who insisted

(D) As opposed to what Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did, William Carlos Williams was to insist.

(E) While Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, and other expatriates did not, William Carlos Williams was insistent

17. Just as plant species native to regions with browsing mammals evolved many natural anti-browser denses (such as sharp spines and toxic chemicals),so humans in malarial regions have evolved dozens of chemical denses against malaria.

(A) so humans in malarial regions have evolved dozens of chemical denses against malaria

(B) humans in malarial regions have been evolving dozens of chemical denses against malaria

(C) there has been, in malarial regions, an evolution of dozens of human chemical denses against malaria

(D) dozens of chemical denses against malaria have been evolved by humans in malarial regions

(E) similarly, in malarial regions, humans have evolved dozens of chemical denses against malaria

18. As virtually all the nation&aposs 50 busiest airports are,New York&aposs were built for an age of propellers,bore jet planes weighing 800,000 pounds needed over two miles of runway.

(A) As virtually all the nation&aposs 50 busiest airports are

(B) As with virtually all of the nation&aposs 50 busiest airports

(C) Like virtually all of the nation&aposs 50 busiest airports

(D) Like the cities where virtually all the nation&aposs 50 busiest airports are

(E) Like other cities where virtually all the nation&aposs 50 busiest airports are

19.Poor management,outdated technology,competition from overseas, and steel&aposs replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics have all been cited as causes for the decline of the United States steel industry.

(A) steel&aposs replacement to materials like

(B) the replacement of steel by such materials as

(C) the replacing of steel with materials of

(D) the replacing of steel by means of materials like

(E) to replace steel by materials such as



  gmat考试真题之语法题(一)  gmat考试真题之语法题(二)  gmat考试真题之语法题(三) 

  gmat考试真题之语法题(四)  gmat考试真题之语法题(五)  gmat考试真题之语法题(六)



11. Similar to rising interest rates,consumer and producer prices have been rising.

(A) Similar to rising interest rates, consumer and producer prices have been rising.

(B) Consumer and producer prices have been rising, as have interest rates.

(C) As interest rates are rising, so have consumer and producer prices.

(D) Consumer and producer prices have been rising, like interest rates do.

(E) Consumer and producer prices, as interest rates, have been rising.

12. Although fruit can no longer grow once it is picked,it continues for some time to respire,taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide,similar to the way human beings breathe.

(A) similar to the way human beings breathe

(B) similarly to human beings who are breathing

(C) just like the breathing of human beings

(D) as human beings when breathing

(E) just as human beings do when they breathe

13. The United States government employs a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any government.

(A) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than any

(B) a much larger proportion of women in trade negotiations than does any other

(C) much larger proportions of women in trade negotiations than has any

(D) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any

(E) proportions of women in trade negotiations that are much larger than any other

14. A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head,lasts for hours or days,and may recur as infrequently as once every other month or often,as daily.

(A) as infrequently as once every other month or often, as

(B) as infrequently as once every other month or as often as

(C) infrequently, as often as once every other month, or often, like

(D) infrequently, like once every other month, or often, like

(E) infrequently, like once every other month, or as often as





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