2017-08-10 278阅读
TT-GWD 2-33
When an active tooth in the shark’s jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position. E
A. When an active tooth in the shark’s jaws is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position.
B. Whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, which are each ready to slide into the appropriate position.
C. Many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, each one of which are ready to slide into the appropriate position when an active tooth is lost or worn down.
D. The many spare teeth lying in seemingly limitless reserve in the shark’s jaws, each one of which is ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down.
E. In the shark’s jaws, many spare teeth lie in seemingly limitless reserve, each one ready to slide into the appropriate position whenever an active tooth is lost or worn down
V1 SC, 第二题遇到了一个表示倍数的,…three times 后面是一个名词,我就选了这个,其他的选项都是带that, it之类之类的。
V2 记得不全,google 也不找到。选项大概有:three times of XXX&apos rate, three time of that of , .....
V3有一题说the sales of this year three times …the rate.选项有A. three times B. three times of that C. at three times D. at three times of E. at three times of that 因为后面有个rate,所以我选了 at three times of that 不知道对不对…
3:不算难,主要是平行。有个both in...and in...简单。 有几道题挺纠结,没遇到全化线。
In comparison with A and B tribes, Puelo villages were...
b. Compared to those of
c. If compared to
d. Compared to that of
e. When compared to those of
纠结,因为those of, that of应该是错的,但是compared to不是比喻嘛?! 就剩下a了。。。
V2 出了那个:In the comparison of the XXX and XXXtribes, the XXX villages were ..........
寂静上有,我选的是:Compared with those of ..... (不确定,但是其他的都不像)
其他选项有:If compared with, When it iscompared ....
4、so far as to
A’s attack to B went…so far as to removing her as editorial of *** magazine, a position that….
as far as removing…
as far as to her removal as
so far as to her removal of…
句子的意思应该是政治人员A攻击B,导致B把杂志编辑工作丢掉了。(或者一直攻击到B把杂志工作丢掉) 大家留意一下So far as to 可不可以表示“太厉害。。以致于。。”??
碰到了很多都是平行结构还是有主谓一致的。not only, but also,然后还有前面的主语是the measurement,后面谓语应该用单数什么的。考了twice that...还有几个虚拟语气吧。
Anything in this business we do had better to do it right. 从anything后面开始划线全部。
我选的是anything we do in this business had better be done right.不确定。。。这可能是我最后一道V题印象里
5、Compared to
什么 when compared with that of (还是in contrast with..忘了)P(印第安名字)and V tribes, Pno villages....
我选的是 compared to those of那个选项。。虽然一直说compare to 是比喻。。但是因为我觉得village 和tribe 没法比,总要加个those 感觉才对。。大家讨论。。
Most of Portugal’s 250,000 university students boycotted classes in a one-day strike to protest a law that requires them to contribute $330 a year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year.
A. year toward the cost of higher education, previously paying $7 per year
B. year toward the cost of higher education, for which was previously paid $7 per year
C. year, compared to the previously $7 per year, toward the cost of higher education
D. year toward the cost of higher education, instead of the $7 per year required previously
E. year as opposed to the $7 per year required previously for the cost of higher education
Answer: D
主要还是考察平行,逻辑主语和比较,碰到了3个全划线的,其他的都比较短。注意有一个impose的题,说的是一个什么什么机构to impose rather different criteria than those of 另一些机构。我选的是than those of,因为考虑到是criteria。。。不知道对不对,大家参考哈
8、but also
首先是语法,在最后四题中碰见了一个怪题,A选项是明显的一个非限制性定语从句的which指代句子,BCDE四个选项都只有but also跟在逗号后面,前面没有出现not only,纠结了半天选了A,然后又出现了一个比较短的SC,估计是错了。
9、1.15 gg
Compare to that of …出现在前十。。。我决定应该是这个选项。²
² Neither…..nor….的平行:我选的是neither do….nor contain 好象是be动词和一个实意动词平行。。。。问题是我实在没找到比这个更好的选项。。。。
考了such as²
² 我还碰见了一道两个being,两个there are和一个that的题。看的时候我完全崩溃。最后选了其中读得还算通顺的一个there is
1. The development of ...........................(里面有复数), like A and B, allow ...................
A. allow...........
B. allows................., and raises 选这个吧
C. allows................, thus raises
apples(不是这个单词,但是是个复数)which of consumption .leads.......
A. lead.............
B. leads........
were reduced to decling ....
were reduce to decline ....焦灼了半天
SC: 考了contrast with, unlike 地用法,那个提箱了半天还是选了unlike; sth is more than those of sth; 还有一些主谓一致的。
14、for example
有一题考到了for example , as for example. “,”“;”. 就是在这四个东西里面两两搭配,划线的在中间,这个纠结了很久啊~
15、 OG类似题
语法有一道和OG12的SC第88道有点像,还有的考点是compare with/compare to; result in还有单复数和很重要的平行结构。。。
OG88. Thelonious Monk, who was a jazz pianist andcomposer, produced a body of work both rooted in thestride-piano tradition of Willie (The Lion) Smith andDuke Ellington, yet in many ways he stood apart fromthe mainstream jazz repertory.
(A) Thelonious Monk, who was a jazz pianist andcomposer, produced a body of work both rooted
(B) Thelonious Monk, the jazz pianist and composer,produced a body of work that was rooted both
(C) Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monk,who produced a body of work rooted
(D) Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monkproduced a body of work that was rooted
(E) Jazz pianist and composer Thelonious Monkproduced a body of work rooted both
16、Child and Adult..
According to findings derived fromfunctional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the area of the brain in which asecond or third language is stored depends on the age of the language learner; whereas each language occupies a distinct area of the brain in an adult learner,language areas overlap in a young child.
(A) whereas each language occupies a distinct area of the brain in an adultlearner,
(B) whereas for adults each language occupies a distinct area of the brain and
(C) each language occupies a distinct area of the brain when they are learned by an adult, while
(D) each language in adults occupied a distinct area of the brain, while
(E) each language occupying a distinct area of the brain for an adult learner,and
18、instrumental in
有一个题里面有几个选项,有的里面是instrumental to 还有另外几个是instrumental in.应该是instrumental to吧,当时选的什么不记得了。
in‧stru‧men‧tal1 be instrumental in (doing) something formal to be important in making something happen:
He was instrumental in developing links with European organizations.
19、not only, but also
有一道SC 后面有 but we also 选项里有it only didn&apost 不知道算不算not only but also片语,就和另外一个选项竞争
20、With & Doing
修辭第一題就碰到ABC選項開頭都是with, de都是having..的,很糾結
1、Following her discovery...,Mary(anyway, sb)...逻辑主语
2、in both the... and n. 注意介词in
3、both...in each n. v. and
4、一段叙述后 sth. not be adj. and be adj: instead, adj be 动词省略还是不省略
5、women are not mind of being called XXX, and being XXX, 划线部分,选项有while being housewives; being XXX;
SC: 尽量回忆吧,我只能回忆起语法点和关键词
1)温室效应会产生: 冰山融化?(动名词)and rise of the sea level
2)前人有提到:are reduced to doing sth 不要秒杀这个阿,感谢那个前人(呵呵,怪怪的),我考前还真的查了金山,有这种习语 ,叫沦落到做某事
3)非洲一种改基因农作物, doing sth and requiring farmers to do sth
4) 很多主语和动词单复数对应,一般都是真正的主语是单数但和谓语离很远,中间是一个复数修饰成分,静下心,全是纸老虎 好像有个a debate sth sth among many people
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