2017-08-10 654阅读
1。一共有7个数其中2个偶数,5个奇数(不确定有没有记反)问:首先任意选择3个数相加所得的值a, 再在剩下的数里面任选3个相加得b 问:1. a,b 中至少有一个是奇数2。a,b 中至少有一个是偶数 3。。。。。(忘了)
2.有两个BOX中都放有RED和BLUE的袜子,所有RED的长度都一样。B盒子中袜子的平均长度比RED长a(具体数字不记得了), Z盒子里的袜子的平均长度比RED短b(具体数字不记得了) 问B盒子里的袜子的平均长度比Z盒子里的平均长度长多少
3.如图:求正方形的面积(用X,Y)表示, C 为AB的中点, ( 图片显示不出来啊)
7.给了一个annual profit的表达式 y=an+b, n 为员工的数量,问如果需要年收益到100million需要多少个员工 1)当有5个员工时年收益是。。。(给了具体数值,记不清楚了) 2)员工从5个涨到6个,年收益涨了0.8million
8.1000的x precent is 36? 答案:3.6(注意x后面有百分号)
10.D是n,m, b的标准方差,那么n+1,m+1,b+1的标准方差是什么?选项里有:d+3, d+1, d,3d …..( 记不清楚了)
11.有k个连续整数,求每个数除以7后的余数和? 1) k大于7 2) k=7
13.还有一道题告诉直线L在x上的截距是在y上的一半,求slope 14.告诉slope等于-1/5,并告知两点,这两点中含有未知数,求那个未知数
SC 中有3道题都考not only…..but also….. 还考到了either…or…, both…and….
RC: 只能想起来一篇,前人已经贴过了,我加了一点补充
第一段:非洲地区,由于大象数量减少,出台了一个ban,导致ivory的demand也减少了。(第一段的最后一句话是this plan is successful.)
第二篇:GWD上的 There is no consensus among researchers regarding what qualifies a substance as a pheromone. While most Line agree on a basic dinition of pheromones (5) as chemicals released by one individual of a species which, when detected by another individual of the same species, elicit a specific behavioral or physiological response, some researchers also specify (10) that the response to pheromones must be unconscious. In addition, the distinction between pheromones and odorants— chemicals that are consciously detected as odors---can be blurry, and some (15) researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant. Evidence that pheromone responses may not involve conscious odor perception comes from the finding that in many species, pheromones are processed (20) by the vomeronasal (or accessory olfactory) system, which uses a special structure in the nose, the vomeronasal organ (VNO), to receive chemical signals. The neural connections between the VNO and the (25) brain are separate from those of the main olfactory system, whose processing of odorants triggers sensations of smell. But while the VNO does process many animal pheromone signals, not all animal phero- (30) mones work through the VNO. Conversely, not all chemical signals transmitted via the VNO quality as pheromones. For example, garter snakes detect a chemical signal from earthworms—one of their favorite foods—via (35) the VNO, and they use this signal to track their prey.
Q7 It can be inferred from the passage that in classifying pheromones as a type of odorant, the researchers rerred to in line 15 posit that
A. pheromones are perceived consciously
B. most pheromones are processed by the VNO
C. most chemical signals processed by the VNO are pheromones
D. Pheromone perception does not occur exclusively between mem- bers of the same species.
E. pheromones do not always elicit a specific behavioral or physio- logical response
Q8 According to the passage, the fact that pheromones are processed by the VNO in many animal species has been taken as evidence of which of the following?
A. The accessory and main olfac- Tory systems are not separate
B. Odorants and pheromones are not distinct types of chemicals.
C. Odorants and pheromones both elicit a specific behavioral response.
D. Pheromones do not trigger con- scious sensations of smell.
E. Pheromones aid animals in track- ing prey.
Answer:D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q9 The primary purpose of the pas- sage is to
A. compare and contrast the ways in which the vomeronasal organ and the main olfactory systern process chemicals. B. summarize the debate over the role the vomeronasal organ plays in odor perception
C. present some of the issues involved in the debate over what constitutes a pheromone
D. propose a new dinition of pheromones based on recent research
E. argue that pheromones should be classified as a type of odorant
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