2017-08-10 399阅读
第十七篇 服务业对职工性别比例影响
版本1 EllenTony
新的服务业的发展对职工性别比例的影响,三个理论,一个一段,一个理论是说服务业的发展会使更多女性就业,职工性别差异会减小;第二个是reduced male theory, 是说服务业的发展反而使职工性别比例差距拉大,好像是因为增加了蓝领工作;第三个理论是说服务业发展不会对职工性别比例有很大影响,后面又说可能更多的女性会得到管理层的职位。
第十八篇 蚂蚁生活习性 scratte (V42) 7/1
第一段:某蚂蚁有个特殊的生活习性:某段时间被称为satary (反正就是static的意思)phase,蚂蚁们都蛰伏在家;然后会集体乾坤大挪移,称为nomadic phase。传统的观点认为,蚂蚁们这样做是因为食物吃光了,民以食为天,所以要搬家,forage。但是新的证据表明,蚂蚁们搬家还有个原因,就是biological cycle。
考古 感谢nowwsy!7/1
【版本2】03/11 VERBAL碰上两道机经阅读,一个蚂蚁那个。
1.问primary purpose。 JJ作者的答案:注意,第一段有提到一个earlier observation, 作者对这个是做了补充,而非反驳或什么的. 所以选项选有supplement 的那一项
2.文章最后一句话高光,问目的。JJ作者:是讲ant 完成nomatic phrase后会到达steery, 选项里有一项是evidence to support the conclusion that nomatic period is linked to reproductive cycle. JJ中没有提到的关键词:nomatic period is linked with reproductive cycle.这是作者在第一段末尾说的
3.是nomatic phase 和stetery 期间ant 行为的比较,主要在第二段定位。我做时有点晕。有pupae,好像是这词,我也不知道是什么意思
有益补充:google 出来的 有点像 里面还有说SP和NP两个阶段 大家可以搜一下
Nomadic behavior of the army ant Neivamyrmex nigrescens was studied in a desert-grassland habitat. Six colonies were followed through eight nomadic phases (94 nomadic days) while direction and distance of emigrations, growth of larvae, number of adults and larvae per colony were determined.
In all colonies, the nomadic phase began when newly enclosed adults and small larvae were present, and ended when the larvae were fully grown. Average emigration distance was positively related to number of larvae in the colony. These findings support Schneirla&aposs theory that brood stimulation is a proximate cause of the nomadic phase.
Failures to emigrate were equally likely at all points in the nomadic phase, and there was no systematic increase in emigration distance as the phase progressed. These findings do not support Schneirla&aposs version of brood-stimulative theory.
Number of adults per colony was positively related to the directionality of the nomadic phase; however, both the direction and distance of emigrations varied unpredictably from one nomadic day to the next, in marked contrast to predictions from optimal foraging theory.
Schneirla&aposs theory is usul in predicting phase differences in colony behavior, but it does not account for characteristics such as frequency, direction, or distance of emigrations within the nomadic phase. These aspects of nomadic behavior are more closely related to characteristics of the habitat such as prey density and availability of nest sites. Army ant nomadism in this habitat may depart from the optimum because of high prey density, small colony size, or lack of nesting sites.
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