GMAT作文机经AI部分 11月14日更新(二).

2017-08-10 作者: 178阅读



  With the growth of the global economy and the need for international cooperation, every human being has assumed a role as citizen of the world. Does this mean that our roles as citizens of our respective nations are thereby superseded by our role as world citizens, as the speaker suggests? Not at all. Good citizenship at one level is often compatible with good citizenship at another. In fact, being a good citizen in one social domain can help one be a better citizen in another.

  Good global citizenship is not incompatible with good citizenship at other levels. Consider, for example, one’s forts as a citizen to preserve the natural environment. One particular person might, for example: (1) lobby legislators to enact laws preserving an endangered redwood forest, (2) campaign for nationally-elected officials who support clean air laws, and (3) contribute to international rainforest (n. 雨林) preservation organizations. This one person would be acting consistently as a citizen of community, state, nation and world.

  Admittedly, conflicting obligations sometimes arise as a result of our new “dual” citizenship. For example, a U.S. military official with an advisory role in a United Nations peace-keeping force might face conflicting courses of action—one that would secure U.S. military interests, and another that would better serve international interests. However, the fact that such a conflict exists does not mean that either action is automatically more obligatory—that is, that one’s role as either U.S. citizen or world citizen must invariably supersede the other. Instead, this situation should be resolved by carully considering and weighing the consequences of each course of action.

  Moreover, being a good citizen in one social context can often help one be a better citizen in another. For example, volunteering to help underprivileged children in one’s community might inspire one to work for an international child-welfare organization. And inculcating civic values—such as charity and civic pride—may give rise to personal traits of character that transfer to all social domains and contexts.

  In sum, although our “dual” citizenship may at times lead to conflicts, one role need not automatically take precedence over the other. Moreover, the relationship between the two roles is, more often than not, a complementary one—and can even be synergistic.

  36. 6次

  V1 Technology ultimately separates people more than it brings people together。

  V2 technology separates people rather than bring people together.

  原题: No. 114 “Technology ultimately separates and alienates people more than it serves to bring them together.”

  Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your posit ion with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. 相关链接

1.GMAT作文机经AI部分 11月14日更新(一)



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