GMAT考试 12月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(十三).

2017-08-10 作者: 350阅读


  原文类似物搜索 BY smater345

  A primary finding of this research is that customer

  complaints have a negative impact on service personnel

  commitment to customer service. This provides some primary

  empirical support for the theoretical arguments of

  several authors (e.g., Blancero and Johnson 2001; Piercy

  1995). Although our results do not provide a direct test of

  the predictions of attribution and role theories, these theories

  can nonetheless suggest plausible explanations for

  this finding. As explained earlier, customer complaints

  may cause role conflict as they can rlect customer expectations

  of employee behaviors, which may differ from

  management or organizational expectations of behavior

  (Rizzo, House, and Litzman 1970). Customer service employees,

  in following managerial directives, are often in

  the unenviable position of delivering bad news to customers

  (e.g., notification of stock outs, inability to accept returned

  goods). Customer contact staff can become “sandwiched”

  between the expectations of management and the

  expectations of customers (Bell, Mengüç, and Stani

  2004). This, we contend, is a major source of role conflict,

  which has a demoralizing fect. This was manifest in a

  reduction in commitment to customer service as a result of

  customer complaints.

  A more surprising result is that higher levels of negative

  affectivity also reduce the negative impact of complaints

  on commitment to customer service. This resultwas unexpected

  and somewhat counterintuitive. Perhaps the most

  plausible explanation derives from attribution inconsistencies

  discussed earlier. It was argued that a possible reason

  behind service personnel reducing their commitment

  to customer service in response to customer complaints is

  that customer evaluations conflict with their own perceptions

  of the quality of service delivered. George (1992),

  however, explains that individuals high in negative affectivity

  generally have a negative orientation to the world

  around them and to themselves. Thus, negative feedback

  may only serve to reinforce what the individual already believes.

  This consistency between service personnel expectations

  and experience may lead to complaints having a

  neutral fect on their commitment to customer service.

  This argument receives support from various authors who

  argue that employees are more likely to accept feedback

  that is consistent with their self-image and selfevaluations

  (Fedor 1991; Ilgen, Fisher, and Taylor 1979).

  Kennedy and Willcutt (1964), for example, found that

  negative feedback generally had a debilitating fect on

  high performers but did not inhibit the performance of



  V1 yizhutou1 7/1 Cuiever 710

  第一段消费者的Complain 影响了消费者对公司的信任。而客服人员有时候擅自deny一些complain也会恶化customer relationship。

  第二段客服人员的negative affectivity(na)和positive affectivity(pa)的问题。有人觉得有pa的客服人员会reduce这种不好的customer relationship的影响,而有na的客服人员会更加加深这种不良关系。作者不认同第二种说法(na更加损害关系) 作者觉得有na的人本身看世界就比较消极所以遇到这种不好的relationship 也会归咎为是世界黑暗而不是损害和消费者的关系。

  V2 Mmo3333 v34 7/11

  跟狗里的不太一样,这篇主要讲customer 由于某种原因不愿意complain客服人员,这个原因好像是怕对客服人员造成不好的影响,但不complain又对公司有negative的影响,使得公司没有办法评估自己的服务系统。

  其中有一个问题问得是公司如何做可以使得customer放心的complain,我选的是一个公司应该让customer 知道complain 对客服人员没有不好的影响

  新增考古 yandong1208 待确认


  讲的是顾客complaints还有员工的recommend,这篇我以前绝对做过,实在想不起来在哪做过了。第一段就是说,conflict的产生是由于expectation of什么 and expectation什么的。(这是一道题的答案)第二段就说,员工的high activity能减少什么,然后negative能增加,但是negative的那个观点没有观点证明(这个有道细节题)。然后后面说了什么我真不记得了

  43.3还有一篇讲customer service对于customer complain的反应,第一段讲customer complain影响customer service employee的commitment,说customer service employee就像一个sandwich一样夹在customer demand和manager demand之间(这里有题)。第二段讲科学家做了一个hypothesis,如果是high positive a(a开头的单词不认识,就叫他PA好了)的员工,那个customer complain 的negative fect的影响就会decrease,如果是high negative a(简称NA)的员工,那个customer complain 的negative fect的影响就会increase。但是实验结果只支持第一个hypothesis,不能支持第二个(有题)。提出了一个解释就说因为NA的员工的世界观就是很negative啊,他们对于complain这种负面的东西已经习惯了,所以面对customer complain态度就比较neutral。

  以上就是12月7日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

1.GMAT考试 12月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(十二)

2.GMAT考试 12月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(十一)

3.GMAT考试 12月7日更新GMAT阅读机经(十)

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