2017-08-10 220阅读
38. V1 by 大雪流年AI: In the interest of national security, governments have the right to access to the citizens’ library and Internet history.
V2 by AI:为了national security,government可以去查看citizen&aposs library check out records and the internet history.
V3 by choilingyan 发个AI新题,说In interest of the national security, government (决定)?不是很确定这个词 access to the citizens’ library checkout record and Internet using history.
AI:是说government should get access to the citizen&aposs library checkout and internet histories.
貌似原题:To the interest of national security, governments should have access to their citizens&apos library checkout records and Internet activities.
考古:V1是讲政府为了NATION SECURITY 得have access to library 借书记录,and Internet ..history.
V3 To the interest of national security,governments should have access to their citizens&aposlibrary checkout records and Internet activities.
V4 use survelliance cameras to assist law enforcement officals identifying and arresting people who break the law.
V5 To the interest of the national security, governments should have the access to their citizens&apos library XXX and Internet view history.
1 provide information
specific time and space, the number of criminals, and characteristics of the suspects. enhance the ficiency and productivity
2 deter crimes
criminals will not rashly commit the crime at the risk of being recorded. :
3 the privacy of the public
4 the cost is paid by taxpayers
39. V1 by windieAI:newspaper那篇
V2 by ryderlike现在有很多新闻来源:TV, RADIO,INTERNET还有TRADITIONAL NEWSPAPER。在所有这些提供NEWS的media里,报纸是最重要的。
V3 by dunmu64 AI:“There are many sources to get news today, such as newspaper, internet, radio. The newspaper is the most important one.”
V4 by ledazhou AI – 说现在人们可以通过很多途径获取新闻– 电视,电台,和网络。但是报纸还是最重要的。
V1 There are many sources to get news today, such as newspaper, internet, radio. The newspaper is the most important one.
V2 现在大家可以通过电视收音机和网络了解新闻,但是报纸是最重要的渠道.
* 承认报纸仍然很重要,很多人有早晨读报的习惯
* 但报纸现在恐怕不是最重要的source of news了。Internet、mobile phone作为新闻的来源很可能已经超过了newspaper,它们方便、更新及时,而报纸顶多日刊,can’t provide latest news
* 报纸浪费资源,不环保
* 报纸在将来很可能被淘汰,可以举一些数据例子,比如现在人们从报纸上阅读的消息占总消息量的百分之几,十年前是多少balabala
以上就是12月23日更新的GMAT作文机经AI部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的写作规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接:
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