GMAT考试 4月9日更新GMAT阅读机经(二).

2017-08-10 作者: 256阅读


2*. 咖啡芳香的色谱研究

  V1:by nicole0773

  是关于科学家研发一个analyze coffee bean aroma的仪器。说原来的仪器有各种drawback。这种新仪器可以通过喷射一种叫m的物质来让不同的aroma显示出不同的color pattern,从而帮助coffee grower分析咖啡。

  V2:by cappuccinolibr

  检测 coffee aroma 的新方法 很多专业词汇。。凭印象记得 先说了两种旧方法 然后说 有一种electronic nose 说这种nose和前两个方法的drawback 一样。

  然后才进入正题说新方法 新的方法是什么用 含有dye pigment 什么的一种什么。LZ实在记不得了 反正说了一段这种新方法的原理。。。然后说这种新方法的缺点是没办法确定coffee含的到底是哪种aroma。

  V3:by happyamy


  V4:by perfectwen





  Is that Folgers coffee in your cup or Maxwell House? Now you no longer have to rely on your nose to tell. Researchers have developed an analyzer that can distinguish between 10 commercial brands of coffee and can even tell apart coffee beans roasted at various temperatures for different times. The advance could help growers determine within minutes whether a particular batch of coffee is just as good as the previous one or whether it&aposs undrinkable.

  Researchers have been trying for years to come up with a simple way to analyze coffee. But it&aposs no easy task. The challenge is that the aroma of roasted coffee beans consists of more than 1000 compounds that change with roasting temperatures and time. Traditional methods of chemical analysis like gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry generally have difficulty distinguishing between compounds that are very similar to one another. And "electronic noses," an array of dyes, and other sensors that change color or chemical properties when they react with certain molecules suffer from the same drawback.

  Over the past decade, chemist Kenneth Suslick and colleagues at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, have rined the electronic nose approach. In the new study, they used dyes that interact strongly with other chemicals, making them more specific. They then put drops of 36 dyes on a polymer film the size of a nickel. The pigments in the dyes belonged to a range of chemical classes, including metalloporphyrins (a class of molecules which give blood and chlorophyll their distinctive colors); pH indicators; and molecules that change color with certain chemical vapors.

  The device produced a pattern of colors as each coffee&aposs mixture of volatile compounds interacted with the dyes. When the investigators pumped vapors from various coffees including Starbucks Sumatra Roast and Folgers Grande Supreme Decaf-over the arrays, all generated unique color patterns, like a molecular "fingerprint," they report this month in Analytical Chemistry.

  The array doesn&apost give any information about the individual compounds in the aromas. "The important thing is that we can easily tell the difference between different roastings and coffees," notes Suslick. And that should help growers quickly and cheaply analyze problems with coffee, such as burnt flavors, during their initial screening process says food scientist Felix Escher at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.


  V1:by 六毛欢乐多

  说是used-book auction in Leiland(不确定这地名儿),195几年的时候 然后city不同意, provience同意啥的。。。一共三段儿,第三段蹦出来一个人, 说了啥观点, 然后有一题就问:如果这个蹦出来的人说的话是真的, 那么195几年的那个used-book auction 会怎样?

  V2:by cavashawn

  还有一篇阅读讲的是 法国L城 在16世纪的第一次旧书拍卖

  V3:by violahy 740

  有一个关于Holland的书店。大概意思是说某个叫Leib神马的城市有audit神马拍卖会之类的。。。大概是想说其它城市的guild妨碍了这些bookstore的innovation之类的…只有这个叫Leib的城市没有受到太大影响。因为在这个城市有个书店的老板(缩写)叫EL,他向government audit office申请了什么地方用来拍卖,然后这个audit office同意了,despite the strong opposition of the local government and the guild,因为那个地方owned by the audit office

  Q1:问这个文章主要在discuss什么:楼主选的“哪些原因contributed to 这个城市的unauthorized拍卖会

  Q2:另一个是问这篇文章那段“despite the opposition of…”imply了什么。楼主选了“说明那个auditoffice在某些权力上可以越过local government

  以上就是4月9日更新的GMAT阅读机经,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT阅读的解题规律,从而在GMAT考试中发挥出更好的水平。 相关链接

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