GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 4月06日更新(十五).

2017-08-10 作者: 52阅读


25. 2次


  V1. In a statement issued to its shareholder issued by CEO of Fleet Motors(FM), the statement says that to meet the shareholders’ desire for international market expansion and increase in production capacity in the next decade, FM decides to buy Futura Autos (FA) in Galaxia planet, where FM currently doesn’t have any market presence.

  然后说什么increase in population at Galaxia will expand the customer base for FM. FM can also save FA from bankruptcy by discontinue of its production line and manufacturing . FM also will replace the FA marketing and management team by current FM management to ensure a smooth transition.

  思路:很多点都很obvious,所以很好写。最大的问题就是时间不够写那么多点,虽然说本身在北美读的high school and university, 最后还是almost run out of time,都没怎么检查…所以建议大家还是plan 好,and pick only a few important points to write.

  作文aa是一个公司做professional software做得好,他们认为要像做professional的software一样来做nonprofessional的software从而increase sales




  1. auto 和motor的销售和管理是不一样的,用FM的人管理和销售auto不一定合适

  2. 攻击expand the customer base for FM, FA与FM的产品不一定匹配

  3. 攻击save FA from bankruptcy,会做发动机的人不一定做得来汽车


  V1. 由于competitor卖非专业的软件所以业绩差,本公司目前出售的专业软件满足专业人士所以销量好。The best way 增加销量is adding the special feature的想目前销售的这种专业软件。反正就是这个意思我也记不清,水平不行。


  “Currently, more professional accountants use SmartPro accounting software than any other brand. However, in the market for personal accounting software for non-professionals to use in preparing their income tax returns, many of our competitors are outselling us. In surveys, our professional customers repeatedly say that they have chosen SmartPro Software because our most sophisticated software products include more advanced special features than competing brands. Therore, the most fective way for us to increase sales of our personal accounting software for home users would clearly be to add the advanced special features that our professional software products currently offer.”

  某软件公司做会计软件 专业软件卖得好 个人的卖得不太好 调查说PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS选择这个软件是因为它有很多复杂的功能 所以作者认为个人软件要卖得好必须加入专业软件中的复杂元素。




  1.Doubtful survey

  2.False analogy

  3.Gratuitous assumption (- competitors are outselling software for non-professionals may be due to other reasons rather than special features)

  4.One sideness (-add the advanced special features will add production cost) + Gratuitous assumption (- competitors are outselling software for non-professionals may be due to other reasons rather than special features)

  以上就是2012年4月06日更新的GMAT作文机经AA部分,考生可以适当借鉴,并通过练习来掌握GMAT作文的解题规律,从而顺利通过GMAT考试。 相关链接

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3.GMAT考试作文机经AA部分 4月06日更新(十六)

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