GMAT考试 6月18日更新GMAT阅读机经(八).

2017-08-10 作者: 314阅读





  Q1:好像是问主题的。我选的是:evidence to support 火星有水and problem in interpreting the evidence.

  Q2:好像是问which of the following 对。我选的是:water 来自 underground. By 261727223


  V1第一段说火星上的水有争议,现在的火星上没有水,但存在大量水的痕迹.这些水的痕迹由于各种原因(because of...because of..)像是有water冲刷成的.这里还有讲是fluid冲刷成的还是water冲刷成的,(有个题里有这个选项,题干好像是从文中能得出那个结论之类的)。第二段是说有些valley, 像是水侵蚀造成的(这段好像没有什么题)。问文章结构,有一个选项是描述了一个puzzle,然后解释了这个puzzle,并提出了还没能解决的问题.还有一个选项是描述了一个problem,提出了解决这个problem的方法等等,剩下的几个选项好像不是很对.这篇阅读还有一个题想不起来了。by streamsun

  V2第一段:科学家在火星两极发现了类似ice的东西。然后发现了火星上有很多flood过后的痕迹,大部分科学家觉得十有八九是水从火星哪里流出来形成的。第二段:说火星上又看到了很深的类似西非大裂谷的Valley,这种Valley一般都是水长时间流过才能产生的。然后又说了科学家想不通火星这么冷怎么有可能有液态水呢。最后好像说火星很久以前可能有很高的温度之类。by 特仑苏爸爸

  39、film star

  (第四篇,4段,一屏办多,看的崩溃,感觉这篇蛮难的,大家仔细看).P1:为什么会有film stars,说了两个可能的原因:1、viewer desire;2、naturally occur。但是,有一段时间,一直都没有film star(有这个信息,在第一段,但我忘了他的逻辑关系了)。最后作者说not natural(作者直接以第一人称“I”反对).P2:why以前都没有film star,说是技术不发达,各种各样的film都大同小异,演员无法out-standing。后来,有了新技术,演员可以distinguish themselves,所以就有追星族了,就有star了。P3:迷茫的一段。。。有个关键词 patent pool。P4:讲电影公司的组织结构发生变化,就记住一个vertical。最后一句回归主题,说这样就促进了film star的产生。By 261727223





  电影界一开始是什么样子的JJ都说的很清楚了。后来,发明了Patent pool, 制片商们用这种pool把摄影机的什么什么license出去,然后按拍的胶片每一英尺(a foot, 一度以为是脚呢,汗)多少钱收租金。这种patent pool 立刻让原本竞争激烈的电影界改变了,垄断商开始出现,竞争没那么激烈了。这些赚足了钱的制片商们才开始怎么怎么发展,提高电影质量,电影更加narrative了,也有明星了。后来JJ说“于是一个企业家M某,冒着违纪的风险,怎么怎么样” 其实不对,那个人是觉得patent pool赚钱仍然不够爽,因此break the patent pool, 从而创造出一种新的盈利模式:总结起来就是纵向合并vertical merge。制片商、电影院的一条龙服务都勾结起来,一起创造明星啊,控制价格啊,所以更加赚了。



  新增补充:摘自9楼 感谢dreamistrue童鞋!网上搜的Patent Pool

  It was in 1902 that the phonograph record reached maturity, with the great pooling of patents that combined the advantages of all the systems and allowed the entire industry to benit equally. But even then the cylinder record was far from dead. During the period of Berliner’s continued experimenting, the original two-cylinder systems had developed and multiplied commercially into a considerable business. New companies with impressive names were formed, merged, or were bought out, or died - names that to most of us today are entirely familiar. The "North American Phonograph Company" for a time combined sales of both the Edison phonograph and the Bell-Tainter graphophone, since the similarity of the two machines continued. In 1896 Edison, who was a businessman and financier when he had a mind to be, bought back the whole cylinder business for himself, forming the "National Phonograph Company" (corporation names then, as now, ran to impressive adjectives!), and began for the first time to take an interest in music for recording purposes, his earlier interest having been largely in speech, the dictating-machine aspect. (Berliner, however, had a good musical ear and had been inclined toward music from the very beginning of his experiments.)

  Edison had solved the clockwork problem more easily than Berliner, for the mechanical problems were simpler with the cylinder type of movement. But one immense obstacle persisted for several years: duplication of cylinder records. The simple plating and stamping process used with the Berliner disks could not be adapted to the more complicated shape of the cylinder, though frantic experiments continued. while Berliner turned out duplicated quantities of his noisy zinc-etched records, the better-sounding wax-engraved cylinders were still being made and sold individually via the old sing-it-and-sing-it-again process, a handful at a time!

  Intense forts to do something about this disastrous situation led first to a makeshift pantograph system of copying, which allowed three or four cylinders to be engraved simultaneously. It figured in an amusing incident when an artist who was being paid to do his piece a dozen or so times over, making a single record each time, happened to notice a large tray filled with cylinders being carried away, all labeled with his own just-recorded selection. The economy-minded manufacturer had thought to use the new duplicator undetected, to multiply his too-meager profits to the artist’s expense.

  But this was a stopgap. Not until after the turn of the century did the cylinder makers finally surmount the technical difficulties of plating and pressing a cylinder record, thus making cylinder duplication possible - though too late - on a par with Berliner’s disk duplication. But still the cylinder had flourished.


  Scholars generally have studied the emergence of American film stars in one of two ways: as an aesthetic, cultural phenomenon or as part of the larger story of corporate consolidation in the film industry. This article combines these approaches, arguing that the early film star played two overlapping roles. Within the new long feature films, stars served as focal points for continuity across complex narratives; within the new vertically integrated film corporations, they became focal points for the coordination of production, distribution, and promotion. The article concludes by suggesting that the interconnections between aesthetic practice and industrial organization bear further examination.


1.GMAT考试 6月18日更新GMAT阅读机经(九)


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