GMAT考试 9月21日更新GMAT机经(四).

2017-08-10 作者: 201阅读




  TheHR director of a tire manufacturer company proposes to start the ‘apprentice’program inside the company. He claims that this is the most fective and cost-saving program, by which new employees can learn and watch senior employees, who volunteer for theprogram (company will offer a bonus). Another toy company has a similar ‘apprentice’program that is very successful.


  very easy, so can&apost remember a lot.

  Probabilities of moving in rural India vs. Probabilities ofmoving in Urban India

  Some training about theperformance of ‘job battery’, the employee will perform the job battery whenhiring, pre-training, and post-training. Then questions about the histogram across time.

  MATH: can&apost remember.


  1. The fake advertisement about park, there are twoanswers with ‘another similar set of people’.

  A. A. Another similar set of people, fakeadvertisement, ask about whether a fake cartoon figure exists in the park ornot.

  B B. Another similar set of people, realadvertisement, ask about whether a real cartoon figure exists in the park ornot.

  LZ’s answer is A

  2. Lamb/cold/death/question, boldface

  3. About a mentor program in a company, the programwill match the mentor and employee based on an assessment done by employee. Borethis matching method, the mentor-relationship is assigned randomly. However, one personthinks the new program is not appropriate. What is the justification behind?

  LZ’s answer: the mentor does not likely view the employee that isassigned as the future competitor in the old program.

  4. Two people are discussing about whether the citywill use the beach (or something similar) in the city limit to build a newfactory to decrease the unemployment rate. The beach is the home for severalendanger animal species. One people saidthe city should, ask for support

  LZ’s answer: without the beach, endanger animal species is still doingOK.

  5. Two people are discussing what the happiness isfor people in the country.

  Person A: export as many as goods we can to other countries

  Person B: no, A is wrong. Happiness is about consuming or something similar.

  Question I forgot.

  LZ’s answer: export goods to other countries will not make the factoryworkers there unhappy. Pretty sure.


  1. …. Can be distinguishable from …. (this is LZ’sanswer as well)

  2. Economic’ textbook comparison.

  ….UnlikeSamuelson’s, Mankiw’s book …..



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