2017-08-10 302阅读
GMAT阅读机经的重要性毋庸置疑,如果我们能够在考前看了一定数量的GMAT阅读机经,而在考试中能够遇到一篇两篇的无疑很好,即使不遇到在看了大 量的GMAT阅读机经,也往往有助于考生取得好成绩。以上就是一篇关于语言的起源的GMAT阅读机经,希望可以帮到大家。
还有个阅读是说语言和biology relationship(待确认)
P1. conventional method只能trace the origin of language至thousands of years ago,但是a biologist运用新方法能将其追溯至a hundred thousand years ago。这个方法类似DNA序列研究,利用statistics method来分析phoneme(音位,language中最小的单位),从而进行推断。这个biologist发现距离southwestern Africa越远,氏族搬离的离这个地方越远,语言中的pronounce越少,phoneme也就越少,这是生物多样化基因不断重组的结果。进而得出the origin of language是在southwestern Africa的结论。/P越小说明语言才开始发展,然后人口迁徙P也会小。先是M开头的一人给提出一个结论,根据statistical method,然后第一段最后一句又有个C开头的人反驳M的观点。然后两个人就collaborate搞在一起干嘛了。
P2. 就是说他的book有两个主要观点,第一个观点:他发现,人口稳定下来,phoneme就开始进化复杂。但人类很快迁徙,migration后,语言数量骤减,音节得不到发展,就保持简单,以致于遥远偏僻的部落音节,反而简单。
P3. 讲第二个观点,都是什么人类迁移比语言发展要快还是慢?/一个地方说是说如果人口稳定缓慢增长,P什么的会由slightly的增长。此外如果migrate,P会一下子减少。期中一种P是PRONOUCE,另一种好像是P^^^M,不认识也不记得了。其中一句是tribe migration的速度要快于new phoneme(音位,音素)产生的速度。
Q1. 主旨题
介绍一个人假设的核心观点(大概这个意思)。(本月700 ,V33狗主)/介绍某人的假设 (本月V38狗主)/ 介绍一个的研究还是什么学说(本月700狗主)
Q2. 问什么能削弱他的假设的?/哪一项削弱了生物学家的观点?
V1 研究发现非洲西南部的周围地区人类出现的年代比其他地区要晚
V2 选D,在东南亚附近的人类起源比其他地方更远。(本月700 ,V33狗主)
V4削弱那个有个选项我记得是什么在南非那边附近一个最近populated的place 怎么怎么样了好像是C 还有个选项是离南非比较远的一个地方的人说好几种语言(我自己就想到了美国)但是没有提到音位我就判断的无关。但是没有说说我没看到东南亚起源更远这个选项。(本月690)
Q3. 推断题:说如果人口稳定还是什么的,会怎么样?
V3我选的是什么 slower than other languages(本月700狗主) 【V2,V3意思相近】
V4我米有选V2 p会增长的很慢,我选的是会带了好的影响的那个(大概是这个意思吧,排除了负的影响。(本月V32狗主)
Q4. DIVERSITY降低的同时,伴随着什么情况的发现
Q5. 最先MIGRATE的那些部落,P会发生什么变化。
补P1“进而得出the origin of language是在southwestern Africa的结论。/P越小说明语言才开始发展,然后人口迁徙P也会小。先是M开头的一人给提出一个结论,根据statistical method,然后第一段最后一句又有个C开头的人反驳M的观点。然后两个人就collaborate搞在一起干嘛了。”---雪菲寂静原文引用
这一部分貌似是在P2。P1到提出某人的类生物方式研究语言起源,给出语言从southwestern Africa起源就结束了。而且貌似文中没有某c的反驳观点,整文都是在讲这种新的研究方式
Anyway 上P2:类生物的研究方式呢,有两个观点?内容?,人口少呢,p就少, P会随着就会随着人口的发展而慢慢增长,但是呢人一迁徙,p呢就立马不发展了。所以呢某些相对africa偏远的部落呢p就简单。这个呢就像是人的基因多样化发展一样,。。。。。。(不记得了),还有些说明blablablabla的话,记不得了(但应该没题)。最后是所以呢前面观察到的离africa越远的的地方p越少呢,说明人类在africa刚发展起语言时就迁徙。
奥克兰大学(University of Auckland)的心理学家对世界语言多样性的两项重要研究分别刊登在《科学》(《Science》)和《自然》(《Nature》)杂志上。
第一项研究是由Q. Atkinson博士所提出:人类语言起源于非洲。Atkinson对世界各地语言的系统分析结果表明:如同人类基因一样,语言也是一次性起源于非洲撒哈拉以南地区。他对504种现代人类语言的音位(phonemes,一个语言系统中能够区分词义的最小的语音单位)进行了统计对比,发现非洲地区语言的音位数量是最多的,而越远离非洲,音位数量越少。
在《自然》杂志上,奥克兰大学的另外一名研究人员R. Gray及合作者则给出了人类大脑创作语言的一般规律。Gray教授说:“世界各地使用的语言多样性十分令人吃惊,现在全球大约有7000多种语言在使用,有些语言只有十几种发音,有的则超过一百多个;有的单词构成很复杂,有的则很简单;有的动词在句首使用,有的在中间,有的则在句尾。”
The detection of such an ancient signal in language is surprising. Because words change so rapidly, many linguists think that languages cannot be traced very far back in time. The oldest language tree so far reconstructed, that of the Indo-European family, which includes English, goes back 9,000 years at most.
Dr. Atkinson is one of several biologists who have started applying to historical linguistics the sophisticated statistical methods developed for constructing genetic trees based on DNA sequences. These forts have been regarded with suspicion by some linguists. “We’re uneasy about mathematical modeling that we don’t understand juxtaposed to philological modeling that we do understand,” Brian D. Joseph, a linguist at Ohio State University, said about the Indo-European tree. But he thinks that linguists may be more willing to accept Dr. Atkinson’s new article because it does not conflict with any established area of linguistic scholarship.
Quentin D. Atkinson, a biologist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, has shattered this time barrier, if his claim is correct, by looking not at words but at phonemes — the consonants, vowels and tones that are the simplest elements of language. Dr. Atkinson, an expert at applying mathematical methods to linguistics, has found a simple but striking pattern in some 500 languages spoken throughout the world: A language area uses fewer phonemes the farther that early humans had to travel from Africa to reach it. Some of the click-using languages of Africa have more than 100 phonemes, whereas Hawaiian, toward the far end of the human migration route out of Africa, has only 13. English has about 45 phonemes.
This pattern of decreasing diversity with distance, similar to the well-established decrease in genetic diversity with distance from Africa, implies that the origin of modern human language is in the region of southwestern Africa
His study was prompted by a recent finding that the number of phonemes in a language increases with the number of people who speak it. This gave him the idea that phoneme diversity would increase as a population grew, but would fall again when a small group split off and migrated away from the parent group.
Such a continual budding process, which is the way the first modern humans expanded around the world, is known to produce what biologists call a serial founder fect. Each time a smaller group moves away, there is a reduction in its genetic diversity. The reduction in phonemic diversity over increasing distances from Africa, as seen by Dr. Atkinson, parallels the reduction in genetic diversity already recorded by biologists.
For either kind of reduction in diversity to occur, the population budding process must be rapid, or diversity will build up again. This implies that the human expansion out of Africa was very rapid at each stage. The acquisition of modern language, or the technology it made possible, may have prompted the expansion, Dr. Atkinson said.
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